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🎲 Gameplay Guide

Furrian Dice, simplified as Fia – Dice, is a simple free-formed tabletop roleplaying game based on Furria. The game is all about storytelling in the world of Furria in a sense where everyone contributes in anyway to make it fun.

Though there's a lot to explain, we will try to simplify it for you.



Players of Furrian Dice is divided into a Field Master and its cast. One cannot work without the other.

πŸ“’ Field Master
The Field Master (FM) is the one who dictates and decides the game, and the one responsible for leading the story.

The FM is the one who creates the adventures for the cast, they describe situations to let them decide what they will do, and the one who determines and narrates the outcome of their choices. They also dictate what is and is not allowed.

πŸ‘₯ Cast
The cast are the group of players who will be the ones going through the FM's adventure laid out for them.

Each player that is not an FM creates and plays a character as part of the cast and teams up with other members of the cast (played by friends). As part of the cast, it is their role for their character to make choices for the story to go on.

Tip: Since Furrian Dice is a free-formed game, expect the β€œrules” get broken depending who is the FM.

Flow of Gameplay

dice/diverse_gameplay.1527503445.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2018/05/28 10:30 by fiakaiera