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dice:diverse_gameplay [2019/07/11 17:01]
fiakaiera added indent
dice:diverse_gameplay [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
Line 119: Line 119:
 > Movement is dictated by your speed (''SPD'') stat, and each ''SPD'' point is 5 ft. It's also replenished to full once per round so it's not permanent.<br> > Movement is dictated by your speed (''SPD'') stat, and each ''SPD'' point is 5 ft. It's also replenished to full once per round so it's not permanent.<br>
 > <div box> > <div box>
-  * During your turn you can move around before, during or after an action as long as you don't spend all of your ''SPD''.<br><fs 0.8em>//This could be anything that is related to moving around, wether it's jumping, climbing, running, etc. You can also improvise your movement if you want to, as long as the FM tells you if it's possible. (you might have to do a check for it though)//</fs><br><br>+  * During your turn you can move around before, during or after an action as long as you don't spend all of your ''SPD''.<br><fs 0.8em>//This could be anything that is related to moving around, whether it's jumping, climbing, running, etc. You can also improvise your movement if you want to, as long as the FM tells you if it's possible. (you might have to do a check for it though)//</fs><br><br>
   * Sometimes your movement is limited by several factors and will double the cost:   * Sometimes your movement is limited by several factors and will double the cost:
      * Crawling, climbing, swimming, difficult terrain and being grappled (which could possibly get your ''SPD'' to 0)<br><br>      * Crawling, climbing, swimming, difficult terrain and being grappled (which could possibly get your ''SPD'' to 0)<br><br>
dice/diverse_gameplay.1562864486.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/07/11 17:01 by fiakaiera