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Saviand Anomaly

The Saviand Anomaly was a historical catastrophic entity that almost devastated all of Fiagia made from an instability that stemmed from the H.A.C. Project.

The prevention of the Saviand Anomaly by the Presav has resulted in starting the Post-Anomalia Era (PS), the discovery of Saviand, the founding of the Saviand Home Compound, the creation of the Sav and the Presav classes, and the exposure of technologies and knowledge of the Antecedent World to Fiagia.


Birth of an Anomaly

During the transportation phase of the H.A.C. Project, an error in the transport has ended with the participants and its compound to end up in the small archipelago continent of Saviand.

From this phenomenon, a distortion was created nearby the compound, seemingly harmless at first and later on expanded year after year until it wildly expanded out of the blue and posed the threat of causing an implosion. This distortion takes areas from different parts of Fiagia in the form of interspacial orbs inside of a sprawling distorted sky slowly spreading out.

After its expansion, it brought out its own version of beings from the parts they are taken from. If left unchecked, it will start to absorb more and more of Fiagia slowly or suddenly until it implodes and create a black hole.

Faith of the World

After some time following the transportation incident, the Saviand Anomaly near the compound suddenly started to expand and implode upon its surroundings to form a large mass of chaos, overtaking the whole sky in darkness within minutes, ready to engulf the world, attacking the island and everything around it.

In a panic, the participants of the H.A.C. attempted to run away and hide at first. Realizing they cannot hide forever, they ultimately decided to fight back. Initially, they cannot fight back in their current state despite their best efforts. One by one each of them fell in battle and not knowing the abilities of the Typyl, they unconsciously revive back at the compound. From this point, they realized they different capabilities from humans and tried again.

Without the help of the Typyl outside of Saviand and many attempts later, they soon find out they can cast Sorcia and have innate abilities, amplifying them to their full potential as Typyl, modified by each of their aspects. Within time, each of their roles were determined. Though not everyone fought in the front lines, each and everyone contributed in preventing the anomaly.

With each encounter they get close and close to the center of the anomaly, they start to encounter interspacial distortions from areas around Fiagia, with holes of distorting view to the participants but is visible to everyone seeing them outside of Saviand Anomaly from which the world can watch their progress. Without a way of the outside interfering with the Anomaly, they can only watch and place their hope. Showing that they are the only ones that can prevent the anomaly itself.

A Final Decision of Fate

culture/saviand_anomaly.1530645269.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/03 19:14 by fiakaiera