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culture:saviand_anomaly [2019/02/27 21:11]
shadicozzy Grammar Fixes
culture:saviand_anomaly [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 The **Saviand Anomaly** was a historical catastrophic entity that almost devastated all of [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] made from an instability that stemmed from the [[culture:hidden anthropomorphic compound|H.A.C. Project]]. The **Saviand Anomaly** was a historical catastrophic entity that almost devastated all of [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] made from an instability that stemmed from the [[culture:hidden anthropomorphic compound|H.A.C. Project]].
-The prevention of the Saviand Anomaly by the [[class:presav|Presav]] has resulted in starting the Post-Anomalia Era (PS), the discovery of [[world:saviand|Saviand]], the founding of the [[world:saviand home compound|Saviand Home Compound]], the creation of the [[class:sav|Sav]] and the [[class:presav|Presav]] classes, and the exposure of technologies and knowledge of the [[world:antecedent world|Antecedent World]] to Fiagia.+The prevention of the Saviand Anomaly by the [[class:presav|Presav]] has resulted in starting the Post-Anomalia Era (PA), the discovery of [[world:saviand|Saviand]], the founding of the [[world:saviand home compound|Saviand Home Compound]], the creation of the [[class:sav|Sav]] and the [[class:presav|Presav]] classes, and the exposure of technologies and knowledge of the [[world:antecedent world|Antecedent World]] to Fiagia.
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   * As of this moment, the five Presav who have survived are not known as of this moment. --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/07/03 20:14//   * As of this moment, the five Presav who have survived are not known as of this moment. --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/07/03 20:14//
   * Snare ends up with the highest burden of all the Presav as he kills everyone first, then the anomaly itself.   * Snare ends up with the highest burden of all the Presav as he kills everyone first, then the anomaly itself.
culture/saviand_anomaly.1551301866.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/02/27 21:11 by shadicozzy