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culture:date_time [2018/08/19 11:19]
fiakaiera updated figlyphs and added figlyphs for months
culture:date_time [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ==== Astrological Sign ==== ==== Astrological Sign ====
-As for [[species:Typyl]] culture, each Typyl individual is given an astrological sign depending on when they are born. Earth does follow the same tradition but is slightly different due to Earth being in a separate location and only having 12 signs.+As for [[creature:Typyl]] culture, each Typyl individual is given an astrological sign depending on when they are born. Earth does follow the same tradition but is slightly different due to Earth being in a separate location and only having 12 signs.
 There are 13 astrological signs in total as shown here: There are 13 astrological signs in total as shown here:
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   * [[wp>Decimal Time]]   * [[wp>Decimal Time]]
culture/date_time.1534677565.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/08/19 11:19 by fiakaiera