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creature:typyl [2019/07/25 03:53]
shadicozzy Grammar Fixes
creature:typyl [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +| owner = [[user>fiaKaiera]]
 +| name-glyph = Typyl 
 +| name-plain = Typyl
 +| image = typyl:blank.png
 +| art-credit = [[user>fiakaiera]]
 +| aspect1 = :indivisus:
 +| aspect2 = :anima:
 +| aspect3 =
 +| category = Ethereal-kind
 +| typyl-compat = Incompatible
 +| danger-rank = ''n''
 +| str-res = 5
 +| sor-def = 5
 +| spd-vit = 5
 ====== Typyl ====== ====== Typyl ======
 The **Typyl** //(pronounciation: type-ill/typ-pill; タイピル, Taipiru)// are a race of being in [[:furria|Furria]] found all over [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] and its moons. They are intelligent humanoid creatures with bodies similar to creatures from the [[world:antecedent world|Antecedent World]], mostly containing human-like attributes and have the ability to create and manipulate [[culture:sorcia|Sorcia]]. The **Typyl** //(pronounciation: type-ill/typ-pill; タイピル, Taipiru)// are a race of being in [[:furria|Furria]] found all over [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]] and its moons. They are intelligent humanoid creatures with bodies similar to creatures from the [[world:antecedent world|Antecedent World]], mostly containing human-like attributes and have the ability to create and manipulate [[culture:sorcia|Sorcia]].
creature/typyl.1564026820.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/25 03:53 by shadicozzy