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aspect:home [2023/05/21 12:27]
fiakaiera fixed indivisus symbol
aspect:home [2023/05/21 12:43] (current)
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 <div caution centeralign>**※ NOTE:**<br> <div caution centeralign>**※ NOTE:**<br>
-The current list of aspects show its newer names and ordering, while the rest of the wiki retains its old naming scheme since the re-creation of the wiki is currently being prioritized. We apologize for any inconvenience it may bring.</div>+The current list of aspects show its newer names and ordering, while the rest of the wiki retains its old naming scheme since the re-creation of the wiki is currently being prioritized. We apologize for any inconvenience it may bring
 +You can see the old names and ordering of the list of aspects at the bottom.</div>
 ==== Elemental Aspects ==== ==== Elemental Aspects ====
aspect/home.1684672064.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/21 12:27 by fiakaiera