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aspect:duplico [2019/06/13 19:45]
fiakaiera created (incomplete)
aspect:duplico [2023/05/19 06:58] (current)
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-<div clear> +====== Mixi [#REDIRECT] ====== 
-/* not shown but only for meta */ +#REDIRECT aspect:mixi
-{{aspect:duplico.png}} +
-</div> +
-{{t>i:aspect +
- +
-| num        23 +
- +
-| name-glyph [du]p[li][co] +
-| name-full  Duplico +
-| name-lower duplico +
-| name-plain Multiplication +
- +
-| categ-main Symbolic +
-| categ-sub  = Alter +
- +
-| represents = Multiply, Fuse, Mixture, Combination +
- +
-| psv-image  = claire +
-| psv-name   = Claire Bonheur +
-| sav-image  = heilao +
-| sav-name   = Heilao +
- +
-| color      = b89241 +
- +
-}} +
-====== Duplico ====== +
-**Duplico** is a [[aspect:symbolic|Symbolic]] [[aspect:alter|Alter]] [[aspect:aspects|Aspect]] showing [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]]'s representation of [[wp>multiplication]] and mixing two objects together physically and magically. The aspect is divided by two facets: [[#repetition|repetition]] and [[#mixture|mixture]]. +
- +
-Sorcia made with Duplico is often paired with :amplius: [[aspect:amplius|Amplius]] and :imitio: [[aspect:imitio|Imitio]]. +
- +
- +
-===== Impact ===== +
-Duplico is a powerful aspect that acts similar to :amplius: [[aspect:amplius|Amplius]] where it adds more to an aspect, except it does in multiples. It also mixes two traits together into one. In addition to its multiplicative and mixing traits, it can be used to temporatily duplicate traits of what items or sorcia already have by itself. However, not every item or skill can be duplicated due to some having a one-use nature, such as materials and food. +
- +
-The nature of Duplico itself does not make a complete copy of an item or sorcia, but only its traits and only temporarily. Not all traits can be duplicated, such as the effects of potions. For example: a healing potion can be duplicated, but there will be next to no healing effect nor satiate thirst. +
- +
-Since Duplico is commonly used to duplicate, there's actively anti-sorcia for Duplico to be used on [[culture:sylv|Sylv]] as a counter-measure for being massively copied and creating an influx of currency, which can be disastrous in terms of economy. +
- +
-:aetas: [[aspect:aetas|Aetas]] is the main influence for Duplico, while :amplius: [[aspect:amplius|Amplius]] and :imitio: [[aspect:imitio|Imitio]] influences the effect of each other. +
- +
-===== Characteristics ===== +
-The aspect is divided by three facets: [[#repetition|repetition]] and [[#mixture|mixture]]. Both of them being similarly related to one another as an aspect+
- +
-===== Author Notes ===== +
-  * Sorcia using Duplico tends to be harder to pull off than :amplius: [[aspect:amplius|Amplius]] due to its multiplicative nature exponentially scaling the cost. +
- +
-===== Trivia ===== +
-  * Among all of the aspects, Duplico's location is found at ''J5'' (or the 50th color) in the color chart, responding to a moderate orange color ''#b89241''+
-  * Duplico was introduced in the aspect list's second pass, originally named "Miscere"+
-    * Duplico's old name is "Miscere", which means "mix" in Latin. This was changed due the word being also similar to the word "misery" and to favor what Duplico actually does. +
- +
aspect/duplico.1560455139.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/13 19:45 by fiakaiera