Table of Contents


Class by fiaKaiera

Antecedent Hope of the World
Simple Title Preceding Savior
Class Hold Hold of Vanity
Class Form Child of Name
Branch of Sav
Branches to N/A
This class is only limited to 60 specific characters. Other characters (OC or official) cannot have this title.


The Presav ( Pv plural:presav ) is a Child of Name Furrial Class that a specific group of Typyl bears the responsibility of preventing the Saviand Anomaly. Each Presav represents one of the old sixty Aspects of Furria, vanished aspects included. The class acts as the ancestor class to the Sav, having an identical role to the Presav. This class also sets up the Sav themselves.

Each Presav has contributed into preventing the Saviand Anomaly from Fiagia. However, this was not their decision to do so, as it all ended up stemming from the H.A.C. Project itself.

In the current events of Furria, they are the ones responsible for choosing the Sav themsevles and prepare them when a future where a similar event to the Saviand Anomaly comes up.

The existence of the Presav actually confirms the existance of Saviand, a continent not easily visible due to its small landmass.


Common Features

There are a number of common features that is shared from each member of this class:

They also have a difference from the Sav. To see this list, see the Differences from the Presav section of the Sav class.

Class Details

Unique Skills

The Presav has the ability to detect high levels of abnormal activity to seek out young individuals to promote them as Sav. They also support some of the Sav at times in high-key missions from the Furria Guild.

Class Bearers

Elemental Aspects Bearers







































Symbolic Aspect Bearers






Claire Bonheur
Err: Argument Missing




























Spiritual Aspect Bearers



























Vanished Aspect Bearers























👤 Presav 👤
