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[Guide] Identity

| phys-sex     = ♂ Male
| orientation  = Male

Wiki Template Code from Rio's Profile

Last Updated:fiaKaiera 2017/08/13 03:32

An individual's gender identity, physical sex, and their third-person pronouns are possibly one of the most confusing aspects of a Typyl individual. These determine the physical and psychological association for an individual.

Gender and Sex are one of the most sensitive aspects to be considered as it deals with an individual's individuality and how they are viewed based upon it. Prounouns exist as a factor to respect said individuality.

As such, the sections of this part of the guide will point to specific information as an attempt for one to not get confused. Please respect each other. We do not want fights here.

Physical Sex

The physical sex, or in short: the sex of a Typyl specifically point to and determines an individual's physical biological sex, which is determined upon the individual's biological or physical traits. For the Typyl, this can be easily changed through the process of Type-casting.

This is not to be confused with gender, which is determined through their psychological identification and not physical identification. This will be discussed below.

REMEMBER: These values does NOT reflect that of a human since are terminologies are different for Typyl than in reality.

Physical Sex
MaleAn individual having male biological traits and possibly a more masculine body build.
FemaleAn individual having female biological traits and possibly a more feminine body build.
HermaphAn individual having both male and female biological traits, wether partially or fully.
? UnidentifiedFor individual who does not reveal and/or refuses to show their biological sex.

※ Humans and Typyl have completely different makeup of their bodies. For more information, refer to the Sexual Dimophism section in Detailed Typyl Information.

Gender Identity

Gender, (or Orientation in Typyl Profiles) fully known as gender identity in Furria specifically points to and determines an individual's gender identity. It is an individual's innermost concept and perception of self viewing themselves as equal or outside of their physical sex.

It is possible for an individual to have multiple genders. However, in writing on their profile, their most prominent gender is shown in the infobox. (the box right of the individual's page) If multiple genders are considered, they should be also specified in their profile outside the infobox.

This is not to be confused with sexual orientation (sexual attraction) or sexual identity. (the thought of what sex an individual is attracted to)

REMEMBER: These values does NOT reflect that of a human since are terminologies are different for Typyl than in reality. All entries written here are placed in as blunt and direct as possible and will not extend into deep explanations.

UnkownThose who does not want to reveal their gender.
CisDirectly the same as their physical sex. (Can be interchanged with Male or Female)
Male Aligned
Male Directly male. Also known as Cis Male.
Trans-malFemale to male. Transitioning to male.
A-malBoth male and no gender.
Female Aligned
Female Directly male. Also known as Cis Female.
Trans-femMale to female. Transitioning to female.
A-femBoth Female and no gender.
Neutral Aligned
Neuois Gender-neutral. Neutral or null gender.
Queer Outside of male and female.
Poly Multiple genders. Many but not all.
Pan All genders.
Third Aligned
Triale A third unknown gender.
Trigen Male, Female and Triale.
Trimal Third and male.
Trifem Third and female.
None Aligned
A-gen Non-binary or has no sense of gender. Outside ALL genders.
Nonform Does not conform to expectations of male, female or any other gender.
Genless Absent of gender. Does not consider to have a gender.

Third-person Pronouns

Pronouns are words that substitutes a noun or a noun phrase. For individuals, third-person pronouns are substitutes for their names. Sometimes, gender identites does not particularly match their pronouns.

Sidenote: Pronouns are here for specifications inside languages that support gender-specific pronouns. In Furria's language, these gender-specific pronouns does are not supported.

Specification are the ones found in the Typyl individual's profile

Specification Pronouns Actual name
Traditional Pronouns
He/him he / him / his / himself Generic he
She/her she / her / hers / herself Generic she
It/its it / its / itself Gender-neutral it
One/one's one / oneself Indefinite one
They/them they / them / their / theirs / themselves Singular they
Conventions based on traditional pronouns
She/he she/he, him/her, his/her, his/hers, him/herself Conventional alternative
s/he, him/r, his/r, his/rs, him/herself
(s)he, him(r), his(r), his(rs), (his)herself
※ Non-traditional pronouns, such as “ze”, “ve”, and “xe” are treated as “they”