Typyl (Detailed)
There are more detailed information about the Typyl that is not for normal reading. This page describes all possible information about the Typyl in terms of flow and possibly scientific information.
Flow of Sorcia
Body Structure
The body structure of a Typyl is that of a human: one head, two arms, and mostly having two legs. They can have different kinds of body parts depending on their typing and composition, mostly noticeable on what kind of legs they have and their digits on their hands and feet.
The number of digits their hands can have depends on their finger and toe composition ranging in 1 to 5 digits in this order: Isth, Nilm, Triq, Quant, Fivs.
Leg Composition
Typyl having Humno leg composition is similar to humans, having plantigrade legs. For those having Digitri leg composition, they would have digitigrade leggings instead. For Stybb their leg style would be similar to Digitri but their legs is too short to be seen or hidden away that it seems that they don't contain legs at all.
For Typyl containing Lesth leg composition, they would not even have legs at all, and would cost almost to no force to the all to float. Similarly, those with Tethl has this ability to float as well due to their feet not able to carry enough weight for the individual to stand.
Additional Parts
In addition to what the Typyl already has, the Typyl can have additional features on their body depending on their typing.
For Avid-fam Typyl and those whose typying has the capacity to fly without the use of sorcia, they can optionally have wings on them attached to their arms. Even in the presence of wings or not, they have the additional ability to fly with ease without using much force. In fashion, wearing long sleeves or similar wear that covers the arms has the capacity to hide them inside a subspace due to how clothing is made in Fiagia. However, wearing them as such will disallow them to take advantage of their ability to have easier flight.
For Aqua-fam Typyl and similar typing which supports survivability in the water allows the to have fins on their arms and legs. With or without fins, they have the ability to traverse through water with ease without having much to waste in terms of force. Similar to Avid-fam or similar Typyl, they also cannot take advantage to faster navigation underwater when wearing clothing that can hide or cover them.
Life Force
Life Force is a mixture of molecules that can keep some beings alive, and fewer able to revive. With this, it allows these beings to dissipate parts of their body without actually damaging them, phasing whatever hit them through their body. It acts like a second skin to these beings to protect them from immediate death upon damage. Life Force is also visible in clusters, colored white and acts like dust,
For Typyl, this acts like an outside source of blood and can regenerate passively through gathering miniscule amounts of aspects from the environment. When a Typyl is injured with a sustained injury, particularly bleeding, life force passively but minimally dissipates from the injury. If the Typyl is near downstate, their body starts to minimally experience a dissipation effect through their whole body due to life force starting to destabilize. In revival, life force is regenerated quickly thanks to the assistance of Restoria.
Typyl has mostly the same set of organs that a humans have no matter what typing combination a typyl individual can be. That means they have a stomach, a brain, a heart, etc.
Despite this, there are certain traits of different species a Typyl can adapt, which is discussed below.
In terms of breathing, the Typyl has a set of two lungs. However, the Typyl's lungs can also work with only just one lung but will have to live out their life without battle and is prevented from doing hard work or cost-heavy Sorcia due to their capacity of using force cut out. Faster breathing is reflected on a Typyl if they only have one lung. In statistical terms, those with only lung only has 50 FP.
This also means breathing is tied to the amount of force a typyl can use or handle. Should they be too tired and is breathing heavily from work, that means the individual has low amounts of force. There are ways of recovering force through various ways: resting, food, and even sorcia.
For Aqua-fam or any Aquatic typing, the individual would optionally have gills or optionally have no lungs. If the individual has both gills and lungs, breathing passage through the gill/lung will be sealed depending if the individual is in the water or on ground.
Typyl has the same way of eating food similar to humans: eating through the mouth. The food is digested through the digestive system and waste coming from the digestive system is pushed out to the rectum. Should extracting waste be undesirable for the Typyl, they can dissipate the waste instead into base aspects without the user knowing in the form of passive soundless and odorless flatulence.
The Flora-fam typing has somewhat of an advantage in terms of sustenance for food: like plant-life, they can absorb sunlight to gather for energy, although minimally. That means they can last longer without food but will still have to eat food to keep them going throughout the day.
The heart is what the Typyl needs in order for them to be alive, should it stop, the Typyl dies. However, this does not go exactly like the human's heart.
The Typyl has everything that functions like the human heart but once the Typyl individual achieves Downstate, the heart actually freezes itself, turning white first before it spreads throughout the body. For Typyl, the individual will feel either hot or cold in the rest of their body depending on conditions while they feel the heart turning cold when they reach near downstate and will not feel pain.
Should the Typyl be next to actual death, the Typyl will not feel this cold sensation as the heart will refuse to freeze up.
Sexual Dimorphism
The Typyl has a similar structure that of a bird's no matter what Typing combination a typyl individual can be are but unlike birds, the Typyl cannot lay eggs. More is explained about it in the Reproduction section.
Mammary glands and navels are not present on a Typyl. The mammary gland is not present as it is not needed for a Typyl's early age sustenance and navels are not present as they don't have umbrical cords attached to them as they develop during birth.
Hermaphs are a third physical sex option for the Typyl, which can have both features of male and female Typyl similar to Hermaphrodites but can only be one of either sex at one time. In terms of urination however, they should be male. Hermaphs are also unable to do child birth as well.
In Typyl reproduction, an “egg” (tenative name) is processed after being fertilized and is stored in the mother's womb. This “egg” is a gelatinous casing where the baby will be staying for 7 months where it will grow, filled with a liquid substance that keeps the baby in place. In that time period, the mother will continuously get drained of her energy and force to sustain the baby in the mean time.
After 7 months, the “egg” must be brought out from the mother's womb through the use of sorcia as the “egg” will be to big to be brought out by ceasarian method due to the limitations of the Typyl. After this, the “egg” will need to incubate for two months. On the last week before the hatchday, the egg solidifies and hatches on the last day, giving out for a newborn Typyl.
From there, the newborn must be still protected for up to a year before the newborn gains the ability to revive and must be assigned to a restoria beforehand to revive safely to prevent accidental death should a Typyl not be assigned in one.
In the early years for a Typyl, the amount of revives that can a Typyl take continunously is less than those older.
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