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Axel Cantor

Axel Cantor
Artwork by Stormfull
Given Name Last Name
Axel Cantor
Nickname/s N/A
Nature Characteristic
Modest Good endurance
#743 Ribombee
Bee Fly Pokémon
Type Bug / Fairy
Ability Honey Gather

Axel Cantor is a student in Harmonia University in Ask Castelia Academy.

  • Physical Sex: Male (♂)
  • Age: 20
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Nationality: German
  • Major: Biomedical Sciences


Axel is a very busy individual, often taking naps throughout the day to get by. He is a pleasant ‘mon to be around and is rarely in a bad mood. Though he is a bit soft-spoken and can be a little boring at times. He is somewhat of a neat-freak and cannot bear to be seen with his fluff in a mess.

Last modified: 2017-07-29 @ 23:52:44 (11 PM) by