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[Guide] Pigment & Coloration

Last Updated:mnchino 2017/12/29 18:48

Eye, Aura and Inner Color, and Pigment are several factors to be considered for the identification of an individual Typyl. Pigments can vary through a vast number combinations and hex values. Color cannot be hidden by clothing.


| eye-color    = Brown
| inner-color  = Natural
| aura-color   = Yellow

Wiki Template Code from Kaiera's Profile

Eye Color

Eye color is the color and pigmentation of the individual's iris. Rarely, an individual can have a gradient of two colors on their eyes and/or have a different color in each individual eye.

Possible Values

Color is replaced with any simplified name color. Possible to use naming shortcuts if the box overflows to a second line.

  • color — single color on both eyes
  • color-color — gradient colors on both eyes
  • color/color — different colors each eye. Format: Left/Right

Inner Color

Inner color points to the color of one's inner muscles and/or blood, particularly noticeable on the Typyl's mouth. The color of a Typyl's inner color is either the natural color of red or their matching eye color.

NOTE: An individual's blood can still be the natural color of red, despite the inner color being different. Though, this is only shown when the Typyl is about to permanently die and unable to revive. Otherwise, it would bleed life force instead, which is white.

Possible Values

color is replaced with any simplified name color. There are no hex codes involved. It is possible to use naming shortcuts if the box overflows to a second line.

  • Matching — Inner color matching the color of the indvidual's eyes.
  • Natural — The natural color of red from blood.

Aura Color

Aura color is one color that an individual sees when using and/or casting a form of magic. Different aura colors can also be used by a Typyl naturally but with the consequence it can waste a lot more energy than normal use. Aura color can be altered through the use of Type Casting, also known as Type Alteration.

Fire, water and other elemental magic can maintain with their natural colors as well and will not have to waste more or less energy to match the Typyl's aura color.

As a rule, a Typyl can only have one aura color. The name of the color should be simplified.


| **Eye Pigment:** Purple ''<fc #8565A8>■</fc> #8565A8'' ''<fc #A789C6>■</fc> #A789C6'' ''<fc #DFC8F9>■</fc> #DFC8F9''
| **Hair Pigment:** Brown ''<fc #A15D38>■</fc> #A15D38''
| **Primary Pigment:** Brown ''<fc #D29E63>■</fc> #D29E63''
| **Secondary Pigment:** Light Brown ''<fc #F9E08D>■</fc> #F9E08D''

Wiki Template Code from Aiden's Profile

Eye Pigment

Eye Pigment is the color of an individual's eyes. There are normally two or three shades that make up the Eye Pigment. It may include the color of the Cornea and the surrounding color of the Iris. It does not include the Sclera (the white outsides).

Possible Values

The standard format of eye pigments contains:

  • Color Name
  • Hex Value(s)

Hair Pigment

Hair Pigment is the color of an individual's hair. This value is optional, if the hair pigment is the same as the primary, secondary, or tertiary pigment. There may be multiple hex values that make up the hair pigment.

Possible Values

The standard format of eye pigments contains:

  • Color Name
  • Hex Value(s)

Primary Pigment

Primary Pigment is the most visible color covering the surface of an individual. It may be the color of skin, scales, fur, feathers, or some other bodily covering.

Possible Values

The standard format of eye pigments contains:

  • Color Name
  • Hex Value

Secondary Pigment

Primary Pigment is the second most visible color covering the surface of an individual. IThis value is optional. It may be a color woven alongside a Primary pigment, or the color of some smaller feature on the body, such as along the face or a tail.

Possible Values

The standard format of eye pigments contains:

  • Color Name
  • Hex Value

Tertiary Pigment

Primary Pigment is the third most visible color covering the surface of an individual. This value is optional. It may be a color woven among the other two pigments, or the color of a very small feature, such as stripes or markings.

Possible Values
Last modified: 2017-12-30 @ 07:49:20 (07 AM) by