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guide:typyl_transference [2017/08/21 07:40]
fiakaiera created
guide:typyl_transference [2017/08/22 20:01] (current)
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 ==== Post-Death Experience ==== ==== Post-Death Experience ====
-When the individual accepted in human transference dies, they will find themselves inside in the middle of a bright pendulum-shaped crystal room shaped like a glass flooring, allowing you to see what's below. A television, a bed and a table is seen inside the room. They will also find themselves that they are still human, nothing else.+When the individual accepted in human transference dies, they will find themselves ​on a glass floor inside in the middle of a wide bright pendulum-shaped crystal room, allowing you to see what's below. They will also find themselves that they are still human, nothing else.
-The person has the ability to do whatever they can before deciding on their Typyl. During that time, they will have the sudden thought of what they will be in Furria. During that time, the TV will remain turned off and communications are done. After their choice has been made, they will feel suddenly sleepy and will have to go to sleep.+A television, a bed and a table is seen inside the room and looks what they expect it to be. The television does not connect to anything as it does not have any wires and has no buttons. There is no remote to be found either. However, the TV will turn on all of a sudden when the person is aware of its use. 
 +The person has the ability to do whatever they can before deciding on their Typyl. During that time, they will have the sudden thought of what they will be in Furria. After their choice has been made, they will feel suddenly sleepy and will have to go to sleep.
 Afterwards, they will wake up somewhere else and as a Typyl. Afterwards, they will wake up somewhere else and as a Typyl.
-=== Bed === +=== Use of the Television ​=== 
-The bed seems to be what the person expects it to be as it could be anything. They can only sleep once they have made their decision on what they will be in Furria.+The television can be used to talk to anyone else who is having the same experience ​as the person. It could be anyone who are in the same situation at the time before ​they find themselves ​in the world of Furria. As time does not matter in this space, it could be anyone.
-=== Table === +However, the television ​will remain off when they will have to decide on their typyl.
-The table is actually a low coffee table. You can do nothing with it. +
- +
-=== Television === +
-The television seems to be what the person expects it to be, but it does not connect to anything as it does not have any wires and has no buttons. There is no remote to be found either. ​However, the TV will turn on all of a sudden ​when the person is aware of its use. +
- +
-== Use == +
-The television can be used to talk to anyone else who is having the same experience as the person. It could be anyone who are in the same situation at the time before they find themselves in the world of Furria. As time does not matter in this space, it could be anyone.+
 ==== Post-Decision Experience ==== ==== Post-Decision Experience ====
Last modified: 2017-08-21 @ 19:40:24 (07 PM) by