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guide:typyl_nature [2017/08/13 06:52]
fiakaiera created
guide:typyl_nature [2017/08/13 20:33] (current)
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 ===== Nature ===== ===== Nature =====
 +Inside of Typyl profiles, the **Nature** is the most prominent feature based on how the individual acts. As a rule of thumb, two natures are chosen to avoid most biases. For some, this is one of the hard ones to pick.
 +There are six modes of being for natures: **Neutral**,​ **Approach**,​ **Care**, **Energy**, **Thought** and **Emotion**. Out of these modes, they can assign themselves these 15 possible natures that could either be positive, neutral and negative in groups of five. In total, there are a possible selection of 90 natures.
 +With two natures being chosen per individual, there is a total of 4,005 combinations.
 +<div box>
 +<div columns>
 +<div half column faint>
 +<fs 1.3em>​**Neutral**</​fs>​
 +<div box>
 +|<100% 33% - 33%>|
 +^  +  ^  ±  ^  -  ^
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Fair</​fc>​|Casual|<​fc #​cc4125>​Vague</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Modest</​fc>​|Stoic|<​fc #​cc4125>​Formal</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Humble</​fc>​|Plain|<​fc #​cc4125>​Naïve</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Logical</​fc>​|Docile|<​fc #​cc4125>​Quirky</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Innocent</​fc>​|Mixed|<​fc #​cc4125>​Passive</​fc>​|
 +<div half column danger>
 +<fs 1.3em>​**Energy**</​fs>​
 +<div box>
 +|<100% 33% - 33%>|
 +^  +  ^  ±  ^  -  ^
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Active</​fc>​|Mellow|<​fc #​cc4125>​Lazy</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Focused</​fc>​|Strict|<​fc #​cc4125>​Impish</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Confident</​fc>​|Tough|<​fc #​cc4125>​Hasty</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Patient</​fc>​|Competitive|<​fc #​cc4125>​Childish</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Relaxed</​fc>​|Quiet|<​fc #​cc4125>​Extreme</​fc>​|
 +<div half column notice>
 +<fs 1.3em>​**Thought**</​fs>​
 +<div box>
 +|<100% 33% - 33%>|
 +^  +  ^  ±  ^  -  ^
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Creative</​fc>​|Absent|<​fc #​cc4125>​Greedy</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Wise</​fc>​|Progressive|<​fc #​cc4125>​Forgetful</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Clever</​fc>​|Observant|<​fc #​cc4125>​Slow</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Honest</​fc>​|Sly|<​fc #​cc4125>​Astray</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Adaptable</​fc>​|Confused|<​fc #​cc4125>​Blunt</​fc>​|
 +<div half column warning>
 +<fs 1.3em>​**Approach**</​fs>​
 +<div box>
 +|<100% 33% - 33%>|
 +^  +  ^  ±  ^  -  ^
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Alert</​fc>​|Serious|<​fc #​cc4125>​Harsh</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Charming</​fc>​|Careful|<​fc #​cc4125>​Clumsy</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Open</​fc>​|Busy|<​fc #​cc4125>​Risky</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Friendly</​fc>​|Brave|<​fc #​cc4125>​Careless</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Efficient</​fc>​|Loose|<​fc #​cc4125>​Ignorant</​fc>​|
 +<div half column safety>
 +<fs 1.3em>​**Emotion**</​fs>​
 +<div box>
 +|<100% 33% - 33%>|
 +^  +  ^  ±  ^  -  ^
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Elegant</​fc>​|Lax|<​fc #​cc4125>​Sassy</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Jolly</​fc>​|Soft|<​fc #​cc4125>​Proud</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Calm</​fc>​|Eager|<​fc #​cc4125>​Lonely</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Gentle</​fc>​|Bold|<​fc #​cc4125>​Timid</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Subtle</​fc>​|Emotional|<​fc #​cc4125>​Vulnerable</​fc>​|
 +<div half column caution>
 +<fs 1.3em>​**Care**</​fs>​
 +<div box>
 +|<100% 33% - 33%>|
 +^  +  ^  ±  ^  -  ^
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Caring</​fc>​|Reserved|<​fc #​cc4125>​Needy</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Selfless</​fc>​|Independent|<​fc #​cc4125>​Cruel</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Loyal</​fc>​|Mature|<​fc #​cc4125>​Protective</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Generous</​fc>​|Courageous|<​fc #​cc4125>​Adamant</​fc>​|
 +|<fc #​3d85c6>​Empathethic</​fc>​|Attentive|<​fc #​cc4125>​Selfish</​fc>​|
 ---- ----
 {{template>​footer:​typyl}} {{template>​footer:​typyl}}
Last modified: 2017-08-13 @ 18:52:56 (06 PM) by