Furria 2i Archive

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Status Effects

A Status Effect, sometimes called a Proc (programmed random occurence) is a temporary modification of a character or targe that can alter attributes, conditions or behavior of actions or stats in the field which either can be harmful (status ailments) or helpful. (status enchantments)

Status Enchantments

State Enchantments

Status Name Effect
Revive Cures Downstate. Gives a certain amount of HP on effect.
- Removed upon effect is accepted or once duration is expired.
Scapestate Prevents from achieving Downstate once HP 0 is reached. Gives a certain amount of HP.
- Removed once HP reaches 0 or once duration is expired.
NOTE: Can still be interrupted and canceled by Wipe.
Shatter Break Gives an attempt to initiate a Shatter Break [#REDIRECT]. All FP costs to skills and sorcia are ignored.
- Removed and given Clearstate once shatter charge finishes.
NOTE: Can still be interrupted and canceled by Wipe.
Shatter Charge Gives an attempt to initiate a Shatter Charge [#REDIRECT]. All FP costs to skills and sorcia are ignored.
- Removed and given 0 TP once shatter break finishes.
NOTE: Can still be interrupted and canceled by Wipe.
Individuality Invulnerable for minimum % of seconds.
- Removed once expired.
NOTE: Can still be interrupted and canceled by Wipe.
Cover +(%) Re-directs % incoming damage taken to the target Covering.
- Removed once expired.

Action Enchantments

Status Name Effect
Dualcast Cancels cast time on next combo-chained Sorcia cast.
- Removed upon next Sorcia cast.
Only works on 2-chain combo-chained Sorcia.
Focus +(%) Sorcia cast speed increases by %.
- Removed once expired
Haste +(%) Action speed increases by %.
- Removed once expired
Nimble +(%) Movement speed increases by %.
- Removed once expired
Surecast Ensures cast time on next Sorcia cast completes even when attempted to be interrupted.
- Removed upon next Sorcia cast.
Sorcia that inflicts Surecast must have a large cooldown to take effect.
Swiftcast Cancels cast time on next Sorcia cast.
- Removed upon next Sorcia cast.
Sorcia that inflicts Swiftcast must have a large cooldown to take effect.

Luck-based Enchantments

Status Name Effect
Lucky EXP gain x2 on encounter end. Is not recieved if target chooses to Run.
- Removed once encounter end.
Fortunate Item chance x2.
- Removed once an item is gained or on encounter end.

Preventive Effects

Sturdy Resists Stun.
- Removed once expired.
Resist (Status) Prevents obtaining a specified status effect.
- Removed once attempt to inflict status effect has been made.
Passive Resist [#REDIRECT] Resists Poison, Burn and Vile.
- Removed once attempt to inflict status effect has been made.
Disable Resist [#REDIRECT] Resists Disease, De-movtivation, Bind,Vulnerable and Seal.
- Removed once attempt to inflict status effect has been made.
Stale Resist [#REDIRECT] Resists Paralysis, Petrify and Frozen.
- Removed once attempt to inflict status effect has been made.

Recovery Enchantments

Status Name Effect
Heal +(value) Immediately recovers specified amount of HP.
- Removed upon infliction.
Heal +(%) Immediately recovers % of Max HP.
- Removed upon infliction.
Invigor +(value) Recovers a specified fixed amount of HP over time. Amount decreases over time.
- Removed once amount reaches 0.
Invigor +(%) Recovers % of Max HP over time. % decreases over time.
- Removed upon reaching 0%.
Regen +(value) Recovers a specified fixed amount of HP over time.
- Removed once expired.
Regen +(%) Recovers % of Max HP over time.
- Removed once expired.
Vitalize +(value) Immediately recovers FP.
- Removed upon infliction.
Cannot be casted on self except through the use of an item or HP% to FP exchange.
Ion +(value) Increases FP recovery by amount.
- Removed once expired.
Cannot be casted on self except through the use of an item or HP% to FP exchange.

Stat Enchantments

Status Name Effect
Barrier Decreases damage intake by a %. % decreases over time. Maxes out at 50%.
- Removed upon reaching 0%.
Confidence Applies Morale for the next action dealt or taken.
- Removed once an action is complete or interrupted.
NOTE: Given once target lands the first critical hit in a critical hit chain or has taken down an enemy.
This status can be afflicted only through circumstance and not inflicted upon.
Concentration +(%) Accuracy or critical hit chance increases by %.
- Removed once expired
Empower Increases damage dealt by a %. % decreases over time. Maxes out at 50%.
- Removed upon reaching 0%.
Heighten Applies Morale for the next action taken.
- Removed and is given Exhale once an action is complete or interrupted.

Direct Stat Enhancements

Status Name Effect
Morale Increases all defined stats by x0.25.
Can only be gained through Heighten or Confidence.
- Removed once an action is complete or interrupted.
NOTE: This is supposed to be a stat but can also be interpreted as a status enchantment.
This status can be afflicted only through circumstance and not inflicted upon.
Strength (Status) (%) Increases STR by %
- Removed once expires.
Defense (Status) (%) Increases DEF by %
- Removed once expires.
Sorcery (Status) (%) Increases SOR by %
- Removed once expires.
Resistance (Status) (%) Increases RES by %
- Removed once expires.
Speed (Status) (%) Increases SPD by %
- Removed once expires.

Status Ailments

State Ailments

Status Name Effect
Downstate Disallows any action to be taken. All status ailments are removed except Downstate and is unable to take damage, gain HP or gain TP, and inflicted with other statuses. Must use Revive to be cured out of Downstate in battle. If Typyl, has the option to revive to last Restoria.
NOTE: Automatically applied once the user reaches 0 HP unless Scapestate is present.
This status can be afflicted only through circumstance and not inflicted upon.
Clearstate A higher variation of Downstate where they cannot be revived in the field. Only applicable to Typyl. Is forced to revive through last Restoria.
This status can be afflicted only through circumstance and not inflicted upon.
Wipe Enforces and ensures Downstate. Scapestate, Individuality, Shatter Charge and Shatter Break is interrupted and ignored.
This status can be afflicted only through circumstance and not inflicted upon.


Furrian Culture

Last modified: 2017-09-24 @ 14:38:18 (02 PM) by