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sunnyverse:nessard_athoms_original [2018/08/07 21:05]
fiakaiera created
sunnyverse:nessard_athoms_original [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== Nessard Athoms/Original ====== ====== Nessard Athoms/Original ======
 | image        = oprofs:Nessard Athoms original.png | image        = oprofs:Nessard Athoms original.png
 | artby        = fiaKaiera | artby        = fiaKaiera
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 }} }}
-**Nessard Athoms** (Japanese: **ネサリ** //nesari//) is a substitute faculty member teaching and specializing Basic and Theatre Arts at [[ask-pokeprofs original#kalos miare college high|Kalos Miare College High]] in [[ask-pokeprofs original|Ask PokéProfs]]. He substitutes mostly anyone that is not a history teacher when a faculty member is on break, though he also has his own minor classes to attend as well.+**Nessard Athoms** (Japanese: **ネサリ** //nesari//) is a substitute faculty member teaching and specializing Basic and Theatre Arts at [[ask-pokeprofs original#kalos miare college high|Kalos Miare College High]] in [[ask-pokeprofs original|Ask PokéProfs]]. 
 +He substitutes mostly anyone that is not a history teacher when a faculty member is on break, though he also has his own minor classes to attend as well
 +Despite having a profile was made for him, he never appeared in the original
   * **Educational Speciality:** Basic and Theatre Arts   * **Educational Speciality:** Basic and Theatre Arts
Line 44: Line 48:
   * Nessard is the least written character out of all of the characters inside ask-pokeprofs   * Nessard is the least written character out of all of the characters inside ask-pokeprofs
-{{template>sunnyverse:f:miare original}}+{{wst>:sunnyverse:f:miare original}}
 {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters" {{tag>"Sunnyverse Characters"
 "PokéProfs Original Characters"}} "PokéProfs Original Characters"}}
sunnyverse/nessard_athoms_original.1533675932.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/07 21:05 by fiakaiera