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oc:jerulean:skai_tenien [2021/01/18 20:59]
oc:jerulean:skai_tenien [2021/01/18 21:08] (current)
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 Affected spells often have significantly reduced cast-time, and can cost fewer FP than their normal version. Affected spells often have significantly reduced cast-time, and can cost fewer FP than their normal version.
 Skai tends towards a rushdown style while in this stance. This works best in 1-on-1 scenarios where Skai is receiving support from the back. Skai’s multitarget and ranged options are greatly restricted in this stance, forcing them to go into melee range to get the most use out of it. The multitarget options Skai does have, however, are also risky: there’s no way for them to escape their own sorcia’s blast radius. Skai tends towards a rushdown style while in this stance. This works best in 1-on-1 scenarios where Skai is receiving support from the back. Skai’s multitarget and ranged options are greatly restricted in this stance, forcing them to go into melee range to get the most use out of it. The multitarget options Skai does have, however, are also risky: there’s no way for them to escape their own sorcia’s blast radius.
 +This stance is characterized by the aspects :amplius::autumo:, representing the in-the-moment //addition// of //magic// to one's equipment.
 === BWAA === === BWAA ===
oc/jerulean/skai_tenien.1611003578.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/18 20:59 by jerulean