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guide:typyl_stats [2019/07/10 16:52]
guide:typyl_stats [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== 🔰 Typyl: Stat Balance ====== ====== 🔰 Typyl: Stat Balance ======
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = typsgtop}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = typsgtop}}
 > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/03/30 17:23// > **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/03/30 17:23//
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 ===== Strength vs Resistance ===== ===== Strength vs Resistance =====
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = strres}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = strres}}
 > **Code in Template:** ''str-res'' > **Code in Template:** ''str-res''
 > **Format:** ''{stat-difference}'' > **Format:** ''{stat-difference}''
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 <div thick box> <div thick box>
 <fs 1.4em>**• [ <fc #dc0914>STR</fc> ] Strength**</fs>\\  <fs 1.4em>**• [ <fc #dc0914>STR</fc> ] Strength**</fs>\\ 
-**Strength** (or Physical Attack) refers to one's physical strength and being strong in general. A higher value of strength allows the user to allow them to carry heavier items or loadsThis allow them to physically hit anything with more force given effort.+**Strength** (or Physical Attack) refers to one's physical strength. A higher value of strength allows the user to be more capable in physical and martial abilitiesHowever, this does not mean raw strength.
 Strength in battle determines how much damage one can deal from physical weapons, summoned/aura weapons, and possibly even or exclusively ranged weapons. It can be any weapon as long as it is not made from the user's magic. Strength in battle determines how much damage one can deal from physical weapons, summoned/aura weapons, and possibly even or exclusively ranged weapons. It can be any weapon as long as it is not made from the user's magic.
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 ===== Sorcery vs Defence ===== ===== Sorcery vs Defence =====
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = sordef}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = sordef}}
 > **Code in Template:** ''sor-def'' > **Code in Template:** ''sor-def''
 > **Format:** ''{stat-difference}'' > **Format:** ''{stat-difference}''
Line 97: Line 97:
 ===== Speed vs Vitality ===== ===== Speed vs Vitality =====
-{{t>t:typyl guide nav|name = spdvit}}+{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = spdvit}}
 > **Code in Template:** ''spd-vit'' > **Code in Template:** ''spd-vit''
 > **Format:** ''{stat-difference}'' > **Format:** ''{stat-difference}''
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 </div> </div>
-{{t>f:guide typyl}}+{{wst>:f:guide typyl}}
guide/typyl_stats.1562777563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/10 16:52 by fiakaiera