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flora:tilitrapuliam [2020/03/15 02:40]
fiakaiera finished article
flora:tilitrapuliam [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 ====== Tilitrapuliam ====== ====== Tilitrapuliam ======
-**Tilitrapuliam** (shortened to **Titripiam**) is a species of rare cautionary-level carnivorous pod-like plants found in dense forests of :erthen: [[world:Erthen]] and :quailyn: [[world:Quailyn]]. Tilitrapuliam are known for capturing Typyl and other beast creatures in their pods, easily noticeable by their purple leafy exterior.+**Tilitrapuliam** (shortened to **Titripiam**) is a species of rare cautionary-level carnivorous pod-like plants found in dense forests of :erthen: [[world:Erthen]] and :quailyn: [[world:Quailyn]]. Tilitrapuliam are known for capturing Typyl and other beast-kind in their pods, easily noticeable by their purple leafy exterior.
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 It spreads by afflicting targets with a coating full of seeds, most of which will not survive while being in said coating and/or outside of forests. It will also not grow nearby other Tilitrapuliam, so they are actually found far and few in-between. It spreads by afflicting targets with a coating full of seeds, most of which will not survive while being in said coating and/or outside of forests. It will also not grow nearby other Tilitrapuliam, so they are actually found far and few in-between.
-Tilitrapuliam are not able to handle high amount of [[culture:flux|flux]], so they simply wither away.+Tilitrapuliam are not able to handle high amount of [[culture:flux|flux]], so they simply wither away.
 ==== Capture Pods ==== ==== Capture Pods ====
flora/tilitrapuliam.1584240045.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/03/15 02:40 by fiakaiera