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culture:furrial_class [2018/07/30 09:06]
fiakaiera created
culture:furrial_class [2020/06/04 19:03] (current)
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 +===== Forms of Classes =====
 +Each class is divided into "holds" and is further divided into "children".
 +  * **Hold of Vanity**
 +    * **Child of Name**\\ A form of vanity specifically to show one's recognition and/or title
 +  * **Hold of Ideals**
 +    * **Child of Earth**\\ Basic knowledge of daily use and everday life
 +    * **Child of Talent**\\ Special knowledge for different concepts of life
 +    * **Child of Aspect**\\ Knowledge of any [[culture:aspects|aspect]] and its concepts
 +  * **Hold of Conflict**
 +    * **Child of Vine**\\ Ways of performing close-ranged combat
 +    * **Child of Thorn**\\ Ways of performing ranged combat
 +    * **Child of Cast**\\ Ways of performing [[culture:sorcia|sorcia]] for combat
 +  * **Hold of Creation**
 +    * **Child of Craft**\\ Methods of creating items
 +    * **Child of Mass**\\ Methods of gathering and trading items
 +    * **Child of Form**\\ Methods for utility
 ===== Display Class ===== ===== Display Class =====
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   * [[wp>College|Colleges]]   * [[wp>College|Colleges]]
   * [[wp>Scout badge|Scout badges]]   * [[wp>Scout badge|Scout badges]]
culture/furrial_class.1532941610.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/07/30 09:06 by fiakaiera