{{wst>:i:furria oldseries | title = #FurriaFridays | time = August 2019 --- present }} ====== #FurriaFridays ====== **#FurriaFridays** is a [[wp>Twitter|Twitter]] [[wp>Hashtag|hashtag]] that shows a random concept found in [[:furria|Furria]] every Friday at the [[https://twitter.com/ProjectFurria|@ProjectFurria]] Twitter account. The hashtag is currently maintained by [[user>fiaKaiera]] and [[user>prilfuls]]. You can check the hashtag itself on Twitter [[https://twitter.com/hashtag/FurriaFridays|here]]. {{INLINETOC}} ===== Concept ===== The hashtag was created with intention to tease different concepts and ideas that comes out Furria. To prevent exhaustion for the artist, it is decided that a new concept is shown during a Friday. (Saturdays for the eastern part of the world.) Each Friday a tweet random concept about Furria is shown under the #FurriaFridays hashtag. An image is also attached showing one part of the concept. ===== Entries ===== The following shows each entry, showing the date alongside the concept shown.