{{wst>info_typyl_editing|page=tux1:tulks_delsaine}} {{wst>:i:typyl | owner = [[user>tux1]] | name-glyph = [tu]lks [de]ls[ai][ne] | name-full = Tulks Delsaine | name-first = Tulks | name-last = Delsaine | disp-class = Aspacia Au'sor | image = https://tux1.neocities.org/mytypell.png | art-credit = [[user>tux1]] | aspect1 = :materio: | aspect2 = :wis: | aspect3 = :signum: | nature1 = Clever | nature2 = Careless | typ-type = Cat-Type | typ-fam = Feline-fam | comp-hand = Triq | comp-foot = Triq | comp-form = Humno | physiq = Male | hatchday = 14 | hatchsign = Janua | arcana = VII – Chariot | str-res = 2 | sor-def = 7 | spd-vit = 6 }} ====== Tulks Delsaine ====== **Tulks Delsaine** is an unofficial character in [[:furria|Furria]]. Tulks Delsaine is one of the humans that went through [[culture:antecedence|antecedence]] representing the user [[user:tux1]]. === Additional Info === * **Nickname/s:** Tux, Tux1 * **Pronouns:** he/him, they/them * **Age:** 14, as of antecedence * **Moral Alignment:** Chaotic Good * **16-P Type:** INTP-T * **Average Height Scale:** 1.162x (4'6" / 137.17 cm) * **Handedness:** Right-Handed * **Colors** * **Inner:** {{wst>colorsolo|#00404c}} Matching * **Aura:** {{wst>color|#7fffff}} Bright Cyan * **Eye:** {{wst>color|#00404c}} Dark Indigo * **Pigments:** * {{wst>color|#417b98}} Dull Blue * {{wst>color|#81caed}} Baby Blue * **Battle Role:** Adaptable * **Weapon Type of Choice:** FIXME * **Specific Weapon of Choice:** FIXME ===== About ===== FIXME ==== Personality ==== FIXME ==== History ==== FIXME ===== Skills ===== FIXME ===== Relationships ===== FIXME ===== Inspirations ===== * Tux1's fursona * [[https://www.orionsarm.com|Orion's Arm]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starset|Starset]], specifically the BMI's from DIVISIONS/HORIZONS * [[https://qntm.org/ra|Ra - Things of Interest]] * [[https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/goc-supplemental-thaumatology|Thaumatology Seminar Series - SCP Foundation]] (Warning: Slightly NSFW) * [[https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Kamen_Rider_Birth|Kamen Rider Birth]]