{{wst>info typyl pending}}
| owner = [[user>shadicozzy]]
| name-glyph = FIXME
| name-full = Elli Electrois
| name-first = Elli
| name-last = Electrois
| disp-class = FIXME
| image = https://via.placeholder.com/250x400?.png
| art-credit = [[user>fiaKaiera]]
| aspect1 = :nox:
| aspect2 = :vox:
| aspect3 =
| nature1 = Confident
| nature2 = Wise
| typ-type = Hy Tiger-Mouse
| typ-fam = Feline-fam
| comp-hand = Triq (3)
| comp-foot = Triq (3)
| comp-form = Humno (H)
| physiq = Female
| hatchday = Apria 16th
| hatchsign = Aries
| arcana = Chariot
| str-res = 5
| sor-def = 1
| spd-vit = 1
====== Elli Electrois ======
**Elli Electrois** is an unofficial character in [[:furria|Furria]].
Elli Electrois is one of the humans that went through [[culture:antecedence|antecedence]] representing the user [[user:shadicozzy]].
=== Additional Info ===
* **Nickname/s:** Elli, El
* **Pronouns:** She/Her
* **Age:** 25
* **Title:** Nightwatcher
* **Hometown:** FIXME
* **Moral Alignment:** Neutral Good
* **16-P Type:** FIXME
* **Suits Affiliation:** Heart
* **Chess Affiliation:** Rook
* **Average Height Scale:** 1.15x
* **Handedness:** Right
* **Colors**
* **Inner:** ''