| owner = [[user>fiakaiera]]
| name-glyph = S[en] [fa]v[ie]r [le]h[ma]nn
| name-full = Sen Favier Lehmann
| name-first = Sen
| name-last = Lehmann
| disp-class = [[class:Presav]] [[class:Certus]]
| image = typyl:sav:sen_favier_lehmann.png
| art-credit = [[user>fiaKaiera]]
| aspect1 = :certus:
| aspect2 =
| aspect3 =
| nature1 = Active
| nature2 = Independant
| typ-type = Leopard-type
| typ-fam = Feline-fam
| comp-hand = Fivs (5)
| comp-foot = Fivs (5)
| comp-form = Humno (H)
| physiq = ♂ Male
| hatchday = Febea 28th
| hatchsign = ♓ Pisces
| arcana = FIXME
| str-res = 5
| sor-def = 5
| spd-vit = 5
====== Sen Favier Lehmann ======
**Sen Favier Lehmann** (//セン// Senn) is one of the deceased [[class:Presav]] representing the aspect :certus: [[aspect:Certus]] and a participant of the [[culture:hidden_anthropomorphic_compound|Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound project]].
=== Additional Info ===
* **Pronouns:** He/him
* **Age:** Deceased
* **Title:** Preceding Savior
* **Hometown:** [[world:saviand_home_compound|Saviand Home Compound]], [[world:saviand|Saviand]]
* **Moral Alignment:** FIXME
* **16-P Type:** FIXME
* **Average Height Scale:** FIXME
* **Handedness:** FIXME
* **Colors**
* **Inner:** ''▮'' Natural
* **Aura:** ''▮ #FFA500'' Orange
* **Eye:** ''▮ #fff19e'' Yellow
* **Pigments:**
* ''▮ #000000'' FIXME
* ''▮ #000000'' FIXME
===== About =====
Sen is one of the original participants that underwent [[culture:antecedence|Antecedence]] through an incident relating to the [[culture:hidden_anthropomorphic_compound|Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound]] project, unwillingly contributing to the [[culture:saviand_anomaly|Saviand Anomaly]]. FIXME
==== Personality ====
**As a Human**
Sen is a typical student who partakes in sports, particularly Soccer, with the role of being a goalie. He has a weak physique and tries to make up for it by doing excercises everyday, like preparation exercises and running to school and home, jogging, etc.
As independent as he is alone, he is not anti-social and will interact with others and cooperate as often as he can. He also can be easily seen just doing excercises outside.
**As a Typyl**
Sen is the workout trainer for the whole group. He gives out training excercises and handy tips so each one of them can keep their bodies in shape. Outside, he takes on stronger tasks like gathering resources and carrying heavy loads.
Sen actually doesn't know that he has untapped potential to lift using magic and does not use them until the tragedy that strikes them comes up.
==== History ====
Sen sees the [[culture:hidden_anthropomorphic_compound|H.A.C]] as an opportunity to have a better physique and lessen training, excercising and taking advantage of the new body that is given to him. He plans to train and excercise with others so they don't slouch around.
===== Trivia =====
* Sen is the first character to be made with someone outside the usual authors of the Presav.