====== đź”° Typyl: Stat Balance ======
{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = typsgtop}}
> **Last Updated:** --- //[[user:fiakaiera]] 2018/03/30 17:23//
In battles, **Stat Balance** determines a [[creature:typyl|Typyl]]'s strength. It entails shows an individual's advantages in combat and may be crucial for some adventurers when forming parties. Stat Balance can be altered through [[culture:type-casting|type-casting]] or through the use of [[culture:sorcia|Sorcia]].
This may be the hardest to be determined to some due to its confusion on how it works.
Stat Balance is crucial when starting a game in [[dice:home|Fia 「Diverse Dice」]].
**To help with this, a tool is made to calculate Stat Balance with ease.**\\
Use the **Stat Balance Calculator** to easily set up a character's stat balance without going through its complexity.
> [[ftool>statbalance|Furria Tools: Stat Balance Calculator]]
=== Getting Stat Balance ===
To determine a character's stat growth, refer to this template:\\
''**STAT A** | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | **STAT B**''
The number nearer to the stat means that the character is more aligned or has points towards that stat.\\ You cannot add a stat to both at the same time as one point for one stat must be given up for the other.
> **Example:** ''**SOR** | __1__ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | **DEF**'' => ''SOR vs DEF = 1'' => 9 SOR, 1 DEF
The following stats are the opposites of each other:
^ Stat Opposites ^ Summary ^
* **STRength** vs **RESistance**
* **SORcery** vs **DEFense**
* **SPeeD** vs **VITality**
* Physical Attack vs Magical Guard
* Magical Attack vs Physical Guard
* Agility vs Endurance
**Extreme Examples:**
* //**Glass Cannon** — Very powerful yet very fragile.//\\ -- STR-RES ''1'' | SOR-DEF ''1'' | SPD-VIT ''1''
* //**Concentrated Tank** — Willing to take damage for the team.//\\ -- STR-RES ''9'' | SOR-DEF ''9'' | SPD-VIT ''9''
* //**Pure Fighter*** — Dependent on using melee, useless with magic.//\\ -- STR-RES ''1'' | SOR-DEF ''9'' | SPD-VIT ''~''
* //**Pure Magician*** — Dependent on using magic, useless with physical attacks.//\\ -- STR-RES ''9'' | SOR-DEF ''1'' | SPD-VIT ''~''
* //**Pure Archer** — Quick on dealing with multi-hits.//\\ -- STR-RES ''1'' | SOR-DEF ''5'' | SPD-VIT ''1''
* //**Pure Healer** — Aims to heal everyone while maintaining their own.//\\ -- STR-RES ''5'' | SOR-DEF ''9'' | SPD-VIT ''9''
//* SPD-VIT can be any value.//
===== Strength vs Resistance =====
{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = strres}}
> **Code in Template:** ''str-res''
> **Format:** ''{stat-difference}''
**• [ STR ] Strength**\\
**Strength** (or Physical Attack) refers to one's physical strength. A higher value of strength allows the user to be more capable in physical and martial abilities. However, this does not mean raw strength.
Strength in battle determines how much damage one can deal from physical weapons, summoned/aura weapons, and possibly even or exclusively ranged weapons. It can be any weapon as long as it is not made from the user's magic.
> //**--- Adding a point in Strength will exchange a point in Resistance.** (+1 Strength, -1 Resistance)//
**• [ RES ] Resistance**\\
**Resistance** (or Magical Guard) refers to one's resistance to magical forces or immunity against them, as well as how much of their magical potential they can store. The higher the Resistance, the higher they can store their magical abilities for later use, as well as have a lot more resistance on taking on magical forces.
Resistance in battle how much one can endure impact from magical damage.
> //**--- Adding a point in Resistance will exchange a point in Strength.** (+1 Resistance, -1 Strength)//
===== Sorcery vs Defence =====
{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = sordef}}
> **Code in Template:** ''sor-def''
> **Format:** ''{stat-difference}''
**• [ SOR ] Sorcery**\\
**Sorcery** (or Magical Attack) refers to one's potency, mangnitude or effectiveness on using magic that are tools and/or offensive and black-categorized(offensive) magic. This allows them to use magic with such efficiency as well. The higher the Sorcery stat, the higher it is for the user to cast spells and will take a lot more
Sorcery in battle determines how much damage one can deal from casting, magical projectiles and user magic, as long as no physical contact is needed.
> //**--- Adding a point in Sorcery will exchange a point in Defense.** (+1 Sorcery, -1 Defense)//
**• [ DEF ] Defence**\\
**Defense** (or Physical Guard) refers to one's physical resistance and toughness in general. A higher value of defense allows the user to resist more common forces and anything physical. They can use their muscles to toughen themselves to push more physically and sustain it meanwhile not exerting too much force, unlike Strength.
Defense in battle determines how much one can endure impact from physical damage.
> //**--- Adding a point in Defense will exchange a point in Sorcery.** (+1 Defense, -1 Sorcery)//
===== Speed vs Vitality =====
{{wst>typyl guide nav|name = spdvit}}
> **Code in Template:** ''spd-vit''
> **Format:** ''{stat-difference}''
**• [ SPD ] Speed**\\
**Speed** (or Agility) determines how fast one can move and possibly how high they could jump or how high they can react. The higher the speed, the faster they can move around and navigate and possibly do light tasks a lot more faster than usual, great for light item deliveries and light jobs.
Speed in battle determines how fast one can move, cast, or attack and/or evade attacks.
> //**--- Adding a point in Speed will exchange a point in Vitality.** (+1 Speed, -1 Vitality)//
**• [ VIT ] Vitality**\\
**Vitality** (or Endurance) determines a person's health and endurance in terms of energy. If the user has high Vitality, they could have more resistance to sickness and possibly gain less fatigue and have to eat less to gain more energy. They could also last longer before they can give out on any task.
Vitality in battle shows how much they can resist status ailments, critical hits and how much damage they can bear before passing out.
> //**--- Adding a point in Vitality will exchange a point in Speed.** (+1 Speed, -1 Vitality)//
{{wst>:f:guide typyl}}