====== 🔰 Typyl ====== [{{ typyl:mugs:blank.png?200| Default Typyl Mugshot}}] \\ The **Typyl** are human-like anthropomorphic natives on the world of [[world:fiagia|Fiagia]]. If one decides to create or re-imagine a one's fursona or anthropomorphic original character to Furria, they will have to be a Typyl no matter what cost, unless special circumstances are applied. > **Main Article:** [[creature:typyl|Typyl]]
※ //**The Typyl are considered to be an __open species__ for Furria.**//

**You are allowed to create your own character for the series.**
This guide shows you how to create such a character, specifically catered to how it is officially considered. However, you can break these rules but will also mean that the character will not be official.
[[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|{{https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/80x15.png}}]] //**Typyl** by [[user>fiaKaiera]] are licensed as same as Furria, under a [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]].//
Characters created properly within the rules are placed in ''[[typyl:home|wiki/typyl]]'' are considered official and possibly canon. Others worked in-progress, unofficial or unconfirmed entries are placed in ''[[oc:home|wiki/oc]]''.
A template is provided on Google Docs should you make a charcter without creating an OC page in the wiki: * **[[tools:typyldoc|📝 Typyl Reference Sheet]]** on Google Docs
(Please go to ''File'' > ''Make a copy'' to start editing the character with your own copy)
※ //The template will be broken if brought to Microsoft Word or any other word editing software//
===== Profile Page Shortcuts ===== {{wst>typyl guide}} {{wst>:f:guide typyl}}