Furria 2i Archive


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user:fiakaiera [2017/03/14 22:29]
fiakaiera [fiaKaiera]
user:fiakaiera [2017/03/15 18:18] (current)
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 ====== fiaKaiera ====== ====== fiaKaiera ======
-**"​Kaiera"​ Romero**, with the username **fiaKaiera**,​ is creator of the [[:Furria]] series. He is a self-proclaimed multi-talented artist who can do artwork, game development music and animation.+**"​Kaiera"​ Romero**, with the username **fiaKaiera**,​ is the creator of the [[furria:Furria]] series. He is a self-proclaimed multi-talented artist who can do artwork, game development music and animation
 +Kaiera the one responsible for leading both [[furria:​typyl tropics|Typyl Tropics]] and [[furria:​typyl tropes|Typyl Tropes]]. He is the lead of the multimedia group [[fiaplay:​fiaplay|FiaPlay]].
 In Furria, he is represented by the character [[typyl:​Kaiera L'​Heart]]. In Furria, he is represented by the character [[typyl:​Kaiera L'​Heart]].
 {{tag>"​Incomplete"​}} {{tag>"​Incomplete"​}}
Last modified: 2017-03-15 @ 10:29:00 (10 AM) by