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typyl:serin_o_riley [2017/05/08 13:20]
fiakaiera added tags, info, image and minor fixes
typyl:serin_o_riley [2017/12/15 08:29] (current)
Line 44: Line 44:
 **Serin O'​Riley** is a character made for [[furria:​Furria]]. **Serin O'​Riley** is a character made for [[furria:​Furria]].
-Serin is one of the humans that went through [[typyl:​human ​transferrence|human ​transferrence]] representing the user [[user:​GamingChocobro]]. ​+Serin is one of the humans that went through [[typyl:​human ​transference|human ​transference]] representing the user [[user:​GamingChocobro]]. ​
-<span info>​**NOTE:​** Not every line is needed here. Remove when necessary.</​span>​ +  ​* **Nickname/​s:​** ​Master Gorland 
-  ​* **Nickname/​s:​** ​Ser(Male), Seri(Female) +  * **Pronouns:​** He/Him, She/Her
-  * **Pronouns:​** He/Him(Male), She/Her(Female_+
   * **Age:** 20   * **Age:** 20
-  * **Title:​** ​FIXME +  * **Title:​** ​Master Shipwright 
-  * **Hometown:​** Vol'​Tairga+  * **Hometown:​** ​[[world:Vol'​Tairga]], [[world:​Maahst]]
   ​   ​
-  * **Moral Alignment:​** ​FIXME +  * **Moral Alignment:​** ​Good 
-  * **Myers-Briggs Type:​** ​FIXME +  * **Myers-Briggs Type:​** ​Mediator ''​INFP-T''​ 
-  * **Handedness:​** ​FIXME +  * **Handedness:​** ​Right-handed 
-   + 
-  * **Eye Pigment:​** ​FIXME +  * **Eye Pigment:​** ​Brown ''<​fc #​526EB7>​■</​fc>​ #​526EB7''​ ''<​fc #​384B7E>​■</​fc>​ #​384B7E''​ ''<​fc #​2F3D63>​■</​fc>​ #​2F3D63''​ 
-  * **Hair Pigment:** FIXME +  * **Primary Pigment:​** ​Black ''<​fc #​5A636C>​■</​fc>​ #​5A636C''​ 
-  * **Primary Pigment:​** ​FIXME +  * **Rostrum ​Pigment:​** ​Yellow ''<​fc #​FAD564>​■</​fc>​ #​FAD564''​ 
-  * **Secondary Pigment:** FIXME +  * **Average Height Scale:​** ​1x
-  * **Tertiary ​Pigment:​** ​FIXME +
-  * **Average Height Scale:​** ​FIXME+
   ​   ​
-  * **Battle Role:​** ​FIXME +  * **Battle Role:​** ​DPS 
-  * **Weapon Type of Choice:​** ​FIXME +  * **Weapon Type of Choice:​** ​Gunblade 
-  * **Specific Weapon of Choice:​** ​FIXME+  * **Specific Weapon of Choice:​** ​Gunblade
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 {{template>​footer:​vol tairga}} {{template>​footer:​vol tairga}}
 {{tag>"​Typyl"​ {{tag>"​Typyl"​
-"​typyl:​Transferrance ​Typyl"+"​typyl:​Transference ​Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Illera-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Illera-type Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Furin-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Furin-type Typyl"
Last modified: 2017-05-09 @ 01:20:44 (01 AM) by