Furria 2i Archive


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typyl:rue_eiriol [2017/03/16 17:17]
fiakaiera [Rue Eiriol]
typyl:rue_eiriol [2017/12/15 09:28] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 | name         = Rue Eiriol | name         = Rue Eiriol
-| image        = typyl:mug:i_rue.png+| image        = typyl:sav:rue_eiriol.png
 | artby        = fiaKaiera | artby        = fiaKaiera
 | owner        = SnowQuilava | owner        = SnowQuilava
Line 67: Line 67:
 ==== History ==== ==== History ====
-Rue got her Sav status from rescuing her hometown from a sudden powerful earthquake that led into a fatal avalanche. Rue managed to revert and adjust the incoming avalanche into a large snow wall, which ended up being the highlight of the town. After ward, Rue talked to some people that could help out and check on everyone if any one of them was injured.+Rue got her Sav status from rescuing her hometown from a sudden powerful earthquake that led into a fatal avalanche. Rue managed to revert and adjust the incoming avalanche into a large snow wall, which ended up being the highlight of the town. Afterwards, Rue talked to some people that could help out and check on everyone if any one of them was injured.
 Rue isn't naturally a Polar Bear; she was once a Himalayan snow bear and switched after her initiation to fit her role. Rue isn't naturally a Polar Bear; she was once a Himalayan snow bear and switched after her initiation to fit her role.
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 <div center centeralign>​ <div center centeralign>​
 {{template>​template:​typyl relation {{template>​template:​typyl relation
-|name       = Snow Scarle ​      | image     = typyl:​mug:​i_snow.png |+|name       = Snow Ashbel ​      | image     = typyl:​mug:​i_snow.png |
 |compatible = ★★★★★ ​          | relation ​ = Dear Friend |}} |compatible = ★★★★★ ​          | relation ​ = Dear Friend |}}
 {{template>​template:​typyl relation {{template>​template:​typyl relation
Last modified: 2017-03-17 @ 05:17:04 (05 AM) by