Furria 2i Archive


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typyl:kentaro_terre [2017/03/01 17:56]
fiakaiera [Reason in the H.A.C.] fixed link
typyl:kentaro_terre [2017/08/21 16:04] (current)
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 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
-Kentaro is one of the participants that underwent [[furria:​human ​transferrence]] through an incident relating to the [[furria:​Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound]] project, unwillingly contributing to the incident that leads to the event relating to the Presav.+Kentaro is one of the participants that underwent [[furria:​human ​transference]] through an incident relating to the [[furria:​Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound]] project, unwillingly contributing to the [[furria:the saviand anomaly|The Saviand Anomaly]].
 In the HAC, Kentaro overlooks the participants of the HAC, making sure no one is missing and doing anything wrong, keeping them inline for any tasks that all of them will survive for the day and the following days. In the HAC, Kentaro overlooks the participants of the HAC, making sure no one is missing and doing anything wrong, keeping them inline for any tasks that all of them will survive for the day and the following days.
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 {{tag>"​Typyl"​ {{tag>"​Typyl"​
-"​typyl:​Transferrence ​Typyl"+"​typyl:​Transference ​Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Deceased Typyl" "​typyl:​Deceased Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Grizzly-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Grizzly-type Typyl"
Last modified: 2017-03-02 @ 03:56:42 (03 AM) by