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typyl:kentaro_terre [2017/02/15 01:30]
fiakaiera removed unncessary extra bullet point
typyl:kentaro_terre [2017/08/21 16:04] (current)
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 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
-Kentaro is one of the participants that underwent [[furria:​human ​transferrence]] through an incident relating to the [[furria:​Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound]] project, unwillingly contributing to the incident that leads to the event relating to the Presav.+Kentaro is one of the participants that underwent [[furria:​human ​transference]] through an incident relating to the [[furria:​Hidden Anthropomorphic Compound]] project, unwillingly contributing to the [[furria:the saviand anomaly|The Saviand Anomaly]].
 In the HAC, Kentaro overlooks the participants of the HAC, making sure no one is missing and doing anything wrong, keeping them inline for any tasks that all of them will survive for the day and the following days. In the HAC, Kentaro overlooks the participants of the HAC, making sure no one is missing and doing anything wrong, keeping them inline for any tasks that all of them will survive for the day and the following days.
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 ===== Reason in the H.A.C. ===== ===== Reason in the H.A.C. =====
-For some reason Kentaro was pressured and dragged into actually sort of- kind of- joining into the [[H.A.C.]] by Inoa Palta through unusual and sometimes violating means. He takes this opportunity to remove one thing in his life: school and education in service of doing through adventures and challenges in a very different environment and having a lifestyle that no one can have.+For some reason Kentaro was pressured and dragged into actually sort of- kind of- joining into the [[furria:H.A.C.|HAC]] by Inoa Palta through unusual and sometimes violating means. He takes this opportunity to remove one thing in his life: school and education in service of doing through adventures and challenges in a very different environment and having a lifestyle that no one can have.
 Kentaro actually secretly wants to join the HAC project alone without the presence of Inoa doing so, but will never happen due to Inoa being around him most of the time spent outside. Kentaro actually secretly wants to join the HAC project alone without the presence of Inoa doing so, but will never happen due to Inoa being around him most of the time spent outside.
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 {{tag>"​Typyl"​ {{tag>"​Typyl"​
-"​typyl:​Transferrence ​Typyl"+"​typyl:​Transference ​Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Deceased Typyl" "​typyl:​Deceased Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Grizzly-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Grizzly-type Typyl"
Line 73: Line 73:
 "​typyl:​Marea Born Typyl" "​typyl:​Marea Born Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Taurus Typyl" "​typyl:​Taurus Typyl"
 +"​typyl:​Male Sex Typyl"
 "​typyl:​5|5|H Typyl" "​typyl:​5|5|H Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Fivs-handed Typyl" "​typyl:​Fivs-handed Typyl"
Last modified: 2017-02-15 @ 11:30:12 (11 AM) by