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Kaiera L'Heart

Kaiera L'Heart

Artwork by fiaKaiera

Given Name/Surname
Kaiera L'Heart
Furrial Display Class
Vas Furria
Gender♂ Male / Bigen
HatchdayAguia 20th / ♌ Leo
Arcana0 – Fool
Logical Creative
Fivs Fivs Humno
Physical Sex♂ Male
Eye ColorBrown
Inner ColorNatural
Aura ColorYellow
Stat Growth







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fiakaiera 2017/02/10 18:14

Kaiera L'Heart

Kaiera L'Heart is a recurring character in Furria. He is currently the Furria Guild Lead and is partially working as the manager of the Albino Café.

Kaiera is one of the humans that went through human transference representing the user fiaKaiera.

  • Nickname/s: Caiera, Cai, Kira, Kai, Cahiera, Cahier, Notebook
  • Pronouns: He/his/him
  • Age: Unspecified
  • Title: Furria Guild Lead
  • Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Myers-Briggs Type: Advocate INFJ-A
  • Handedness: Ambidex, right preferred
  • Eye Pigment: Brown #694624 #4A2C14
  • Primary Pigment: Cream-like Yellow #FFE561
  • Secondary Pigment: White #F6F6F6
  • Average Height Scale: 0.875x
  • Battle Role: Any role
  • Weapon Type of Choice: Swords, Books
  • Specific Weapon of Choice: Dual Chinese Short Blades


Kaiera is the heading guild lead of the Furria Guild. He serves as one of the representatives of Crescentalia and is responsible for handling. Though he is the heading guild lead, he is quite lax with his work, rarely working on the guild's inner workings and relying on equal footing of his officers.

He has helped along many different Typyl especially inside the Furria Guild through the years, especially when working alongside with his brother Lucyn Augur L'Heart and has saved countless amounts of lives and solving amounts of puzzles set in the Millenial Puzzle.

He can be seen at times doing guild work requests, often times travelling, at his home in Patiencia, or working in the Albino Café on a weekend.

Kaiera is acting as mentor for Ruby Ramire, teaching her different aspects of life and his ways of battle. It is rumored that Kaiera is the only one that is knowledgeable on how all the furrial classes work, though Kaiera himself denies that.


Kaiera is a friendly and simple yet sophisticated kitten-type who likes to do a lot of random things: from doing adventures in the Furria Guild to just relaxing at his home in Crescentalia. He is very kind, forgiving, generous and would like to extend a helping hand at tasks when free. He is known to be trusted by most people for his actions and respect he can give even those who are feeling lowly or rowdy at him. In his view, mostly everything should be treated equally when possible.

He also has a great patience to do long-timed actions such as solving puzzles, exploring Sorcia, and simply waiting. Sometimes he is not bothered doing them at all and does not get angry at it unless the action turns very annoying overtime.

In battle, Kaiera strategizes in combat: slightly planning at first before attacking and observing the situation during the fight. He also gives intel to a party despite sometimes being incorrect when there's no other party member that can.

Kaiera will try give help to those who are in trouble emotionally, giving suggestions and solutions to problems. Rarely, he has a rare chance of even pushing too far and give more emotional stress to the one he is helping. Though Kaiera will apologize afterwards once he notices it or is given attention to.

In terms of food, people say that Kaiera loves sweets a lot, which makes it more apparent since he works at a café.


Before human transference, Kaiera was a digital artist who works on games and building a community around it. He was the one who pioneered the concepts of Furria to the rest of the world and continued expanding its concepts to create a whole imaginative world.

In Furria, he started at Patiencia along with Ruby Ramire who he just met at the time and started the Albino Café to start earning while passively taking tasks at the Furria Guild.

Later on, he finds himself working as the Head Guild Lead of the Furria Guild once Ruby quickly notice he was the one who should be running the guild as the Furria Guild was waiting for the one to make the guild more progressive and helpful towards the world, in which he complies to do so.

Overtime, he was the one who started Type Casting services, sorcia skill creation and even balance out the economy by allowing guild tasks that does trade, assist and odd jobs such as cleaning services, He also allowed the creation of sub-guilds and teams, allowing for group guild tasks to be carried out.

During that time, he also has contributed towards improving Patiencia.


Kaiera's form of doing sorcia dynamically differs depending on role, class and form.
He is knowledgeable to know how to properly use each aspect to his advantage but not as mastered from the others.

The following skillset shows his most basic skills that helps in most situations.

Base Elemental Skills

Note: The ve in Flamve and similar-named skills is silent.

 Flamve &flamma;&coacto; Flamve 12 FP
A Lv1 Flamma attack spell: Low %: Burn
 Flamvera &flamma;&coacto;&amplius; Flamvera 50 FP
A Lv3 Flamma attack spell: 5x damage of Flamve. High %: Burn
 Aflamve &flamma;&aporia; Aflamve 24 FP
A Flamve variation: 2x damage of Flamve is equally split to all targets in group. Minimal %: Burn
 Aflamvera &flamma;&aporia;&amplius; Aflamvera 50 FP
[Self] Condition: FP >= 62
A Flamvera variation: Damage of Flamvera is equally split to all targets in group. Moderate %: Burn.
 Fluminve &flumine;&certus; Fluminve 12 FP
A level 1 Flumine attack spell.
 Afluminve &flumine;&certus;&ambio; Afluminve 12 FP
[Self] Condition: FP >= 24
A Fluminve variation: Damage of Fluminve is equally split to all targets in group.
 Aerve &aer;&certus; Aerve 12 FP
A level 1 Aer attack spell.
 Araerve &aer;&certus;&ambio; Araerve 12 FP
[Self] Condition: FP >= 24
An Aerve variation: Damage of Aerve is equally split to all targets in group.
 Solurve &solum;&certus; Solurve 12 FP
A level 1 Solum attack spell.
 Asolurve &solum;&certus;&ambio; Asolurve 12 FP
[Self] Condition: FP >= 24
A Solum variation: Damage of Solum is equally split to all targets in group.

Fusion Elemental Skills

 Elecrive &electrica;&coacto; Elecrive 12 FP
A Lv1 Electrica attack spell: Low %: Paralyze.
 Elecrivera &electrica;&coacto;&amplius; Elecrivera 50 FP
A Lv3 Flamma attack spell: 5x damage of Elecrive. High %: Paralyze.
 Aelecrive &electrica;&aporia; Aelecrive 24 FP
A Elecrive variation: 2x damage of Elecrive is equally split to all targets in group. Minimal %: Paralyze.
 Glacive &glacies;&autumo; Glacive 24 FP
A Lv2 Glacies attack spell: Moderate %: Freeze.
 Caelve &caelum;&autumo; Caelve 24 FP
A Lv2 Caelum attack spell: Moderate %: Slow.
 Silive &silva;&autumo; Silive 24 FP
A Lv2 Silva attack spell: Moderate %: Confusion.
 Lucerica &lucerna;&tueor;&vita; Lucerica 16 FP
A Lv2 Lucerna support spell. Gains Regeneration (light) for low # time.
 Noxica &nox;&tueor; Noxica 16 FP
A Lv2 Nox support spell. Gains Protection (light) for low # time.

Support Skills

 Equivalence H &vita;&verto;&autumo; Equivalence H 50 FP
[Self] Condition: HP < 25% Max HP
Exchanges 50 FP for 50% Max HP.
Only used for emergencies.
 Equivalence S &autumo;&verto;&vita; Equivalence S 50% Max HP
[Self] Condition: FP < 25
Exchanges 50% Max HP for 50 FP. Only used for emergencies.
 Increase Flames &flamma;&amplius;&certus; Increase Flames Passive
[Self] Condition: Using Attack Skills
Increases Flamma potency by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. (up to 10 levels)
 Increase Current &electrica;&amplius;&certus; Increase Current Passive
[Self] Condition: Using Attack Skills
Increases Electrica potency by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. (up to 5 levels)
 Increase Centrifuge &indivisus;&amplius;&autumo; Increase Centrifuge Passive
[Self] Condition: Using Support/Assist Skills
Increases Indivisus potency by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. (up to 5 levels)
 Increase Salve &vita;&amplius;&tueor; Increase Salve Passive
[Self] Condition: Using Healing Skills
Increases Vita potency by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. (up to 5 levels)


Lucyn L'Heart

Lucyn Augur L'Heart is his brother. Very close and willing to venture out with him on trips when needed. He is willing to support him on whatever action he takes(unless it goes against his morals).

Kaiera and Lucyn also go hand-in-hand in battle since they have opposite aspects that can support each other, as well in battle styles that can easily substituted to create a continous or a combined attack.
Compatibility: ★★★★☆½

Ruby Ramire

Ruby Ramire is Kaiera's student of his teachings. She helps out Kaiera at home, in guild tasks, and even inside the Albino Café. In turn, Kaiera teaches her his ways of battle and knowledge in most classes, delving into different knowledges and sorcia.
Compatibility: ★★★★☆

Other Relations

Karoi Owaru

Snow Scarle
Close Friend

Shadic Electrois
Close Friend

Issa Zabat
Dear Friend

Paupë Chaimer


Spirit Guardian

Serin O'Riley

Ivan Cait

April Lai Gaboury

Levien Savis

Sirris Mav

Kento Terre
Sav Relation

Inoa Palta
Sav Relation

Matchi Pavierre
Sav Relation

Isa Colla
Sav Relation

Adventus Valens
Distant Friend

Aktaion Diástima
Distant Friend

Distant Friend

Jubei Diablo


Last modified: 2017-08-21 @ 16:04:02 (04 PM) by