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typyl:kaiera_l_heart [2017/03/23 10:03]
fiakaiera [Relationships]
typyl:kaiera_l_heart [2017/12/15 09:28] (current)
Line 43: Line 43:
 He is currently the Furria Guild Lead and is partially working as the manager of the [[world:​Albino Café]]. He is currently the Furria Guild Lead and is partially working as the manager of the [[world:​Albino Café]].
-Kaiera is one of the humans that went through [[furria:​human ​transferrence|human ​transferrence]] representing the user [[user:​fiaKaiera]]. ​+Kaiera is one of the humans that went through [[furria:​human ​transference|human ​transference]] representing the user [[user:​fiaKaiera]]. ​
   * **Nickname/​s:​** Caiera, Cai, Kira, Kai, Cahiera, Cahier, Notebook   * **Nickname/​s:​** Caiera, Cai, Kira, Kai, Cahiera, Cahier, Notebook
Line 85: Line 85:
 doing adventures in the [[world:​Furria Guild]] to just relaxing at his home in [[world:​Crescentalia]]. He is very kind, doing adventures in the [[world:​Furria Guild]] to just relaxing at his home in [[world:​Crescentalia]]. He is very kind,
 forgiving, generous and would like to extend a helping hand at tasks when free. He is known to be trusted by most forgiving, generous and would like to extend a helping hand at tasks when free. He is known to be trusted by most
-people for his actions and repsect ​he can give even those who are feeling lowly or rowdy at him. In his view,+people for his actions and respect ​he can give even those who are feeling lowly or rowdy at him. In his view,
 mostly everything should be treated equally when possible. mostly everything should be treated equally when possible.
Line 102: Line 102:
 ==== History ==== ==== History ====
-Before [[furria:​human ​transferrence|human ​transferrence]], Kaiera was a digital artist who works on games+Before [[furria:​human ​transference|human ​transference]], Kaiera was a digital artist who works on games
 and building a community around it. He was the one who pioneered the concepts of Furria to the rest and building a community around it. He was the one who pioneered the concepts of Furria to the rest
 of the world and continued expanding its concepts to create a whole imaginative world. of the world and continued expanding its concepts to create a whole imaginative world.
Line 120: Line 120:
 ===== Skills ===== ===== Skills =====
-Kaiera'​s form of doing sorcia dynamically differs depending on role, class and form.\\+Kaiera'​s form of using and managing ​sorcia dynamically differs depending on role, class and form.\\
 He is knowledgeable to know how to properly use each aspect to his advantage but not as mastered from the others. He is knowledgeable to know how to properly use each aspect to his advantage but not as mastered from the others.
 The following skillset shows his most basic skills that helps in most situations. The following skillset shows his most basic skills that helps in most situations.
-==== Base Elemental Skills ==== +**Note:** The __//ve//__ in Flamve and similar-named skills is pronounced silently. 
-**Note:** The __//ve//__ in Flamve and similar-named skills is silent+ 
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +==== Elemental ==== 
-| icon        kai_flamve.png +<div box> 
-skillname ​  = Flamve ​&flamma;&coacto; + 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +{{template>​template:​typyl skill header}} 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ + 
-Lv1 &flamma;[[aspect:​Flamma]] attack spellLow %: [[status:​Burn]]+{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
 +| icon    kaiera_flamve.png 
 +name    ​= Flamve 
 +| aspects = :flamma::coacto: 
 +level   = Lv1 | type    = Skill 
 +| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A simple :flamma[[aspect:​Flamma]] attack spell
 +\\ ''​- ​Low %: [[status:​Burn]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_flamvera.png +| icon    kaiera_aflamve.png 
-skillname ​  Flamvera &flamma;&coacto;&amplius; +name    ​Aflamve 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**50 ​FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :flamma::coacto::amplius: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-Lv3 &​flamma;​[[aspect:Flamma]] attack spell: 5x damage of Flamve. ​High %: [[status:​Burn]]+| fpcost ​ = 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Group]**''​ ''//​**Condition:​** __FP >= 24__//''​ 
 +\\ A **Flamve** variation2x damage of Flamve ​is equally split to all targets in group. 
 +\\ ''​- Minimal ​%: [[status:​Burn]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_aflamve.png +| icon    kaiera_flamvera.png 
-skillname ​  Aflamve &flamma;&aporia; +name    ​Flamvera 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**24 ​FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :flamma::aporia::amplius: 
-| description = **[Group]**\\ +level   Lv3 | type    = Skill 
-A **Flamve** variation: ​2x damage of Flamve ​is equally split to all targets in groupMinimal ​%: [[status:​Burn]]+| fpcost ​ = 50 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A **Flamve** variation: ​4x damage of Flamve. 
 +\\ ''​- High %: [[status:​Burn]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_aflamvera.png +| icon    kaiera_aflamvera.png 
-skillname ​  = Aflamvera ​&flamma;&aporia;&amplius; +name    ​= Aflamvera 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**50 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :flamma::aporia::amplius: 
-| description = **[SelfCondition:** __//FP >= 62//__\\ +level   = Lv4 | type    = Skill 
-A **Flamvera** variation: Damage of Flamvera is equally split to all targets in group. Moderate %: [[status:​Burn]].+| fpcost  ​= 50 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Group]**''​ ''​//**Condition:​** __FP >= 62__//''​ 
 +\\ A **Flamvera** variation: Damage of Flamvera is equally split to all targets in group. 
 +\\ ''​- ​Moderate %: [[status:​Burn]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_fluminve.png +| icon    kaiera_fluminve.png 
-skillname ​  = Fluminve ​&flumine;&certus; +name    ​= Fluminve 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :flumine::certus: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   = Lv1 | type    = Skill 
-level 1 &​flumine;​ [[aspect:​Flumine]] attack spell.+| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A simple ​&​flumine;​ [[aspect:​Flumine]] attack spell.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_afluminve.png +| icon    kaiera_afluminve.png 
-skillname ​  = Afluminve ​&flumine;&certus;&ambio; +name    ​= Afluminve 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :flumine::certus::ambio: 
-| description = **[SelfCondition:** __//FP >= 24//__\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-A **Fluminve** variation: Damage of Fluminve is equally split to all targets in group.+| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Group]**''​ ''​//**Condition:​** __FP >= 24__//''​ 
 +\\ A **Fluminve** variation: Damage of Fluminve is equally split to all targets in group.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_aerve.png +| icon    kaiera_aerve.png 
-skillname ​  = Aerve &aer;&certus; +name    ​= Aerve 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :aer::certus: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   = Lv1 | type    = Skill 
-level 1 &aer[[aspect:​Aer]] attack spell.+| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A simple :aer[[aspect:​Aer]] attack spell.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_araerve.png +| icon    kaiera_araerve.png 
-skillname ​  = Araerve ​&aer;&certus;&ambio; +name    ​= Araerve ​ 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :aer::certus::ambio: 
-| description = **[SelfCondition:** __//FP >= 24//__\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-An **Aerve** variation: Damage of Aerve is equally split to all targets in group.+| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Group]**''​ ''​//**Condition:​** __FP >= 24__//''​ 
 +\\ **Aerve** variation: Damage of Aerve is equally split to all targets in group.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_solurve.png +| icon    kaiera_solurve.png 
-skillname ​  = Solurve ​&solum;&certus; +name    ​= Solurve 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :solum::certus: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   = Lv1 | type    = Skill 
-level 1 &solum; [[aspect:​Solum]] attack spell.+| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A simple ​&solum; [[aspect:​Solum]] attack spell.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_asolurve.png +| icon    kaiera_asolurve.png 
-skillname ​  = Asolurve ​&solum;&certus;&ambio; +name    ​= Asolurve ​ 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :solum::certus::ambio: 
-| description = **[SelfCondition:** __//FP >= 24//__\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-A **Solum** variation: Damage of Solum is equally split to all targets in group.+| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Group]**''​ ''​//**Condition:​** __FP >= 24__//''​ 
 +\\ A **Solurve** variation: Damage of Solurve ​is equally split to all targets in group.
 }} }}
-==== Fusion Elemental Skills ==== +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +| icon    kaiera_elecrive.png 
-| icon        kai_elecrive.png +name    ​= Elecrive 
-skillname ​  = Elecrive ​&electrica;&coacto; +| aspects = :electrica::coacto: 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**12 FP**</​fc>​ +level   = Lv1 | type    = Skill 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +| fpcost  ​= 12 FP 
-Lv1 &​electrica;​[[aspect:​Electrica]] attack spellLow %: [[status:​Paralyze]].+| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A simple ​&​electrica;​ [[aspect:​Electrica]] attack spell
 +\\ ''​- ​Low %: [[status:​Paralyze]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_elecrivera.png +| icon    kaiera_aelecrive.png 
-skillname ​  Elecrivera &electrica;&​coacto;&​amplius;​ +name    ​Aelecrive 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**50 ​FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :electrica::aporia: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-A Lv3 &​flamma;​[[aspect:​Flamma]] attack spell5x damage of Elecrive. ​High %: [[status:​Paralyze]].+| fpcost ​ = 24 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ An **Elecrive** variation2x damage of Elecrive ​is equally split to all targets in group. 
 +\\ ''​- Minimal ​%: [[status:​Paralyze]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_aelecrive.png +| icon    kaiera_elecrivera.png 
-skillname ​  Aelecrive &electrica;&​aporia;​ +name    ​Elecrivera 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**24 ​FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :electrica::​coacto::​amplius:​ 
-| description = **[Group]**\\ +level   Lv3 | type    = Skill 
-**Elecrive** variation: ​2x damage of Elecrive ​is equally split to all targets in groupMinimal ​%: [[status:​Paralyze]].+| fpcost ​ = 50 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ An **Elecrive** variation: ​4x damage of Elecrive. 
 +\\ ''​- High %: [[status:​Paralyze]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_glacive.png +| icon    kaiera_glacive.png 
-skillname ​  = Glacive ​&glacies;&autumo; +name    ​= Glacive 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**24 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :glacies::autumo: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-Lv2 &​glacies;​[[aspect:​Glacies]] ​attack spellModerate %: [[status:​Freeze]].+| fpcost  ​= 24 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A higher fusion ​attack spell
 +\\ ''​- ​Moderate %: [[status:​Freeze]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_caelve.png +| icon    kaiera_caelve.png 
-skillname ​  = Caelve ​&caelum;&autumo; +name    ​= Caelve ​ 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**24 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :caelum::autumo: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-Lv2 &​caelum;​[[aspect:​Caelum]] ​attack spellModerate %: [[status:​Slow]].+| fpcost  ​= 24 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A higher fusion ​attack spell
 +\\ ''​- ​Moderate %: [[status:​Slow]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_silive.png +| icon    kaiera_silive.png 
-skillname ​  = Silive ​&silva;&autumo; +name    ​= Silive ​ 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**24 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :silva::autumo: 
-| description = **[Single]**\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-Lv2 &​silva;​[[aspect:​Silva]] ​attack spellModerate %: [[status:​Confusion]].+| fpcost  ​= 24 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A higher fusion ​attack spell
 +\\ ''​- ​Moderate %: [[status:​Confusion]]''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_lucerica.png +| icon    kaiera_lucerica.png 
-skillname ​  = Lucerica ​&lucerna;&tueor;&vita; +name    ​= Lucerica 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**16 FP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :lucerna::tueor::vita: 
-| description = **[Party]**\\ +level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
-Lv2 &​lucerna;​[[aspect:​Lucerna]] ​support spell. Gains [[status:Regeneration]] (light) for low time.+| fpcost  ​= 16 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A higher fusion ​support spell. 
 +\\ ''​- ​Gains [[status:Regen]] (Light) for Low Time.''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill + 
-| icon        kai_noxica.png +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-skillname ​  = Noxica ​&nox;&tueor; +| icon    kaiera_noxica.png 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**16 FP**</​fc>​ +name    ​= Noxica 
-| description = **[Party]**\\ +| aspects = :nox::tueor::partio: 
-Lv2 &​nox;​[[aspect:​Nox]] ​support spell. Gains [[status:Protection]] (light) for low time.+level   = Lv2 | type    = Spell 
 +| fpcost  ​= 16 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +\\ A higher fusion ​support spell. 
 +\\ ''​- ​Gains [[status:Protect]] (Light) for Low Time.''​
 }} }}
-==== Support ​Skills ​==== +</​div>​ 
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +==== Support ==== 
-| icon        kai_equivalence-h.png + 
-skillname ​  = Equivalence H &vita;&verto;&autumo; +<div box> 
-cost        ​<fc #​547CDE>​**50 FP**</​fc>​ + 
-| description = **[Self] Condition:​** __//HP < 25% Max HP//__\\ +{{template>​template:​typyl skill header}} 
-Exchanges **50 FP** for **50% Max HP**.\\ ​Only used for emergencies.+ 
 +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
 +| icon    kaiera_equivalence-h.png 
 +name    ​= Equivalence H 
 +| aspects = :vita::verto::autumo: 
 +level   = Lv3 | type    = Spell 
 +| fpcost  ​= 50 FP 
 +| hpcost ​ =  
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Self]**''​ ''​**Condition:​** __//HP < 15of Max HP//__ 
 +\\ Exchanges **50 FP** for **50% Max HP**. 
 +\\ Should be only used in situations when necessary.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_equivalence-s.png +| icon    kaiera_equivalence-s.png 
-skillname ​  = Equivalence S &autumo;&verto;&vita; +name    ​= Equivalence S 
-cost        ​<fc #​DEA523>​**50% Max HP**</​fc>​ +| aspects = :autumo::verto::vita: 
-| description = **[Self] Condition:​** __//FP < 25//__\\ +level   = Lv3 | type    = Spell 
-Exchanges **50% Max HP** for **50 FP**. Only used for emergencies.+| fpcost ​ =  
 +| hpcost  ​= 50% Max HP 
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Self]**''​ ''​**Condition:​** __//FP < 15//__ 
 +\\ Exchanges **50% Max HP** for **50 FP**. 
 +\\ Should be only used in situations when necessary.
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_add-flamma.png +| icon    kaiera_add-flamma.png 
-skillname ​  = Increase Flames ​&flamma;&amplius;&certus; +name    ​= Increase Flames 
-| cost        = //​Passive//​ +| aspects = :flamma::amplius::certus
-| description = **[Self] Condition:​** __//​Using ​&flammaAttack Skills//​__\\ +| level   = Lv1 | type    = Stack 
-Increases ​&flamma;[[aspect:​Flamma]] ​potency ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. ​(up to 10 levels)+| fpcost ​ = | hpcost ​ =  
 +| cost    = //​Passive//​ 
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Self]**''​ ''​**Condition:​** __//​Using ​:flammaAttack Skills/Spells//__''​ 
 +\\ Increases ​potency for :flamma[[aspect:​Flamma]] ​Attack Skills and Spells ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. 
 +\\ Cannot be adjusted during battle. This sorcia does not include WP skills. 
 +\\ ''​- Adjustable''​ 
 +\\ ''​- Stack Limit: ​10''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_add-electrica.png +| icon    kaiera_add-electrica.png 
-skillname ​  = Increase Current ​&electrica;&amplius;&certus; +name    ​= Increase Current 
-| cost        = //​Passive//​ +| aspects = :electrica::amplius::certus
-| description = **[Self] Condition:​** __//​Using ​&electricaAttack Skills//​__\\ +| level   = Lv1 | type    = Stack 
-Increases ​&electrica;[[aspect:​Electrica]] ​potency ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. ​(up to 5 levels)+| fpcost ​ = | hpcost ​ =  
 +| cost    = //​Passive//​ 
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Self]**''​ ''​**Condition:​** __//​Using ​:electricaAttack Skills/Spells//__''​ 
 +\\ Increases ​potency for :electrica[[aspect:​Electrica]] ​Attack Skills and Spells ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. 
 +\\ Cannot be adjusted during battle. This sorcia does not include WP skills. 
 +\\ ''​- Adjustable''​ 
 +\\ ''​- Stack Limit: 10''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_add-indivisus.png +| icon    kaiera_add-indivisus.png 
-skillname ​  = Increase Centrifuge ​&indivisus;&amplius;&​autumo;​ +name    ​= Increase Centrifuge 
-| cost        = //​Passive//​ +| aspects = :indivisus::amplius::certus: 
-| description = **[Self] Condition:​** __//​Using ​&indivisusSupport/​Assist ​Skills//__\\ +| level   = Lv1 | type    = Stack 
-Increases ​&indivisus;[[aspect:​Indivisus]] ​potency ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. ​(up to levels)+| fpcost ​ = | hpcost ​ =  
 +| cost    = //​Passive//​ 
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Self]**''​ ''​**Condition:​** __//​Using ​:indivisus:​-related ​Support/​Assist ​Sorcia//__''​ 
 +\\ Increases ​potency for :indivisus[[aspect:​Indivisus]]-related Support and Assist Sorcia ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. 
 +\\ Cannot be adjusted during battle. 
 +\\ This includes the following aspects: :​flamma::​flumine::​aer::​solum::​electrica::​glacies::​caelum::​silva::​lucerna::​nox:​ 
 +\\ ''​- Adjustable''​ 
 +\\ ''​- Stack Limit: ​5''​
 }} }}
-{{template>​template:​typyl skill +{{template>​template:​typyl skill column icon 
-| icon        kai_add-vita.png +| icon    kaiera_add-vita.png 
-skillname ​  = Increase Salve &​vita;&​amplius;&​tueor;​ +name    ​= Increase Salve 
-| cost        = //​Passive//​ +| aspects = :​indivisus::​amplius::certus: 
-| description = **[Self] Condition:​** __//​Using ​&vita; Healing Skills//__\\ +| level   = Lv1 | type    = Stack 
-Increases ​&vita;[[aspect:​Vita]] ​potency ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. ​(up to levels)+| fpcost ​ = | hpcost ​ =  
 +| cost    = //​Passive//​ 
 +| description =  
 +''​**[Self]**''​ ''​**Condition:​** __//​Using ​:vita: Recovery Sorcia//__''​ 
 +\\ Increases ​potency for :vita[[aspect:​Vita]] ​Recovery Sorcia ​by 5% with x0.05 FP cost added per level. 
 +\\ Cannot be adjusted during battle. 
 +\\ ''​- Adjustable''​ 
 +\\ ''​- Stack Limit: ​5''​
 }} }}
 ===== Relationships ===== ===== Relationships =====
 <div clear></​div><​div 140px box right>​[[typyl:​Lucyn L'​Heart|{{ typyl:​mug:​i_lucyn.png?​125 }}]]</​div>​ <div clear></​div><​div 140px box right>​[[typyl:​Lucyn L'​Heart|{{ typyl:​mug:​i_lucyn.png?​125 }}]]</​div>​
 == Lucyn L'​Heart == == Lucyn L'​Heart ==
-**[[typyl:​Lucyn L'​Heart]]** is his brother. Very close and willing to venture out with him on trips when needed.+**[[typyl:​Lucyn ​Augur L'​Heart]]** is his brother. Very close and willing to venture out with him on trips when needed.
 He is willing to support him on whatever action he takes(unless it goes against his morals). He is willing to support him on whatever action he takes(unless it goes against his morals).
Line 343: Line 481:
 |compatible = ★★★★★ ​            | relation ​ = BFF.net |}} |compatible = ★★★★★ ​            | relation ​ = BFF.net |}}
 {{template>​template:​typyl relation {{template>​template:​typyl relation
-|name       = Snow Scarle ​        | image     = typyl:​mug:​i_snow.png |+|name       = Snow Ashbel ​        | image     = typyl:​mug:​i_snow.png |
 |compatible = ★★★★☆ ​            | relation ​ = Close Friend |}} |compatible = ★★★★☆ ​            | relation ​ = Close Friend |}}
 {{template>​template:​typyl relation {{template>​template:​typyl relation
Line 415: Line 553:
 {{template>​footer:​patiencia}} {{template>​footer:​patiencia}}
 {{tag>"​Typyl"​ {{tag>"​Typyl"​
-"​typyl:​Transferrance ​Typyl"+"​typyl:​Transference ​Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Kitten-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Kitten-type Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Cat-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Cat-type Typyl"
Last modified: 2017-03-23 @ 22:03:34 (10 PM) by