Furria 2i Archive


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typyl:index_original [2017/03/16 07:20]
fiakaiera [Base Ten]
typyl:index_original [2017/03/16 19:43] (current)
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 <div quarter column> <div quarter column>
   * Nes (Coyote)   * Nes (Coyote)
-  * Pol+  * Pola (Polar Bear) 
 +  * Mein (Stoat) 
 +  * Bost (Pig) 
 +  * Milla (Tanuki) 
 +  * Seil (Elephant) 
 +  * Quinta (Giraffe) 
 +  * Ceil (Seal) 
 +  * Thoot (Owl) 
 +  * Farine (Flamingo) 
 +  * Que' Misa (Mantis) 
 +  * Chira (Ladybug) 
 +  * Khristine (Kangaroo) 
 +  * Mona (Wombat) 
 +  * Shinn (Ferret) 
 +  * Mory (Skunk) 
 +  * Scon (Fox) 
 +<div quarter column>​ 
 +  * Oton (Ocelot) 
 +  * Sivs (Meercat) 
 +  * Fern (Lemur) 
 +  * Mirk (Chameleon) 
 +  * Shicho (Komodo Dragon) 
 +  * Chall (Salamander) 
 +  * Chinn (Chinchilla) 
 +  * Meri (Sheep) 
 +  * Devy (Llama) 
 +  * Mina (Deer) 
 +  * Tape (Tapir) 
 +  * Soverin (Camel) 
 +  * Celon (Antelope) 
 +  * Ming (Gazelle) 
 +  * Strie (Zebra) 
 +  * Meelo (Fish) 
 +=== Trivia === 
 +  * Since the second generation, the first generation savior Chico is made female, breaking the gender balance 
 +  * The first column of characters are actually the saviors that are passed on and/or redesigned 
 +    * By coincidence,​ some of the characters end up being actual Sav 
 +  * This generation has water life included 
 +  * This generation also has a more diverse species set 
 +  * Bento, Mon, Alisa, Katie, Lace Claire and Ming have the same names as their first generation counterparts 
 +===== Class Batch of Patience ===== 
 +fiaKaiera made anthropomorphic counterparts of every student in his batch in High School. Since then, he decides to put all them into the series as a group, later on re-deciding that only some would make it into the actual series than every single one of them. Ever since that everyone has parted due to graduation in High School, most of them would have alternate and separate lives in the world of Furria. 
 +The "Class Batch of Patience"​ are actually two class sections: Patience and Truthfulness.\\ 
 +The following characters marked in bold has a chance of appearing in the series. 
 +<div box center group 100%> 
 +^The Class of Patience (55, including Kaiera)^ 
 +|//​Characters are sorted in alphabetical order//| 
 +<div quarter column>​ 
 +  * Adelynne/​Adel 
 +  * Adrian Joshua/​Rian 
 +  * Albert/​Alben 
 +  * Aldrin 
 +  * Arrian 
 +  * Bhraonain 
 +  * **Caroline/​Carol** 
 +  * **Cassandra** 
 +  * Charrise Joi 
 +  * Dan Karlo 
 +  * David John/D.J. 
 +  * Dessa 
 +  * Ethel Jane/​EJane 
 +  * **Hannah/​Han Tam** 
 +  * **Hazel/​Zel** 
 +  * Jassica Mae/Jessa 
 +  * **Jehn Mahonri** 
 +  * Jeric 
 +  * **Jerry/​Teo** 
 +<div quarter column>​ 
 +  * Jhuny Boy 
 +  * Johna Paula/Pao Pao 
 +  * **John Paul** 
 +  * Jon Christopher 
 +  * Jon Kevin 
 +  * **Josef Victor** 
 +  * Joshua/​J.B. 
 +  * Joyce Dian/Yuki 
 +  * **Jerome John** 
 +  * **Kashrya Pamela** 
 +  * **Kathryn** 
 +  * **Kristine** 
 +  * **Kurt Russel** 
 +  * Lindsay/​Linzzi 
 +  * **Louwenn** 
 +  * **Maja Fina/​Faye** 
 +  * Marjorie/​Marge 
 +  * Mark Ivan 
 +  * **Merly/​Merlz** 
 +<div quarter column>​ 
 +  * Michael John/Mic 
 +  * Monique/​Nique 
 +  * Nicko 
 +  * Nikko 
 +  * Niňa/​Xanne 
 +  * **Princess Key** 
 +  * **Rachel Anne/​Chel** 
 +  * **Regina Joy/​Rheg** 
 +  * Renison 
 +  * Ricknon 
 +  * Sarah Alexia/​Sarah Lex 
 +  * **Sarah Grace/Zhen Ji** 
 +  * Sharmine/​Chen 
 +  * **Shielden Grail/​Shieldz/​Akira** 
 +  * **Thomas James/​T.J.** 
 +  * Toni Loreinne 
 +  * **Valerie Jane/​Val** 
 +<div box center group 100%> 
 +^The Class of Truthfulness (56)^ 
 +|//​Characters are sorted in alphabetical order//| 
 +<div quarter column>​ 
 +  * Abigail/​Abby 
 +  * Ajee 
 +  * Amiel 
 +  * Angelica/​Gelai 
 +  * **Angelique/​Angel** 
 +  * Beaulah Grace 
 +  * Benjielyn 
 +  * Brylle 
 +  * Carl Edward 
 +  * **Cherish Joy** 
 +  * Christianne/​Chin 
 +  * Claiben/​Claibert 
 +  * Daniel Paul 
 +  * Emil Rey 
 +  * Erza 
 +  * Fran Carlo 
 +  * Genny Rose 
 +  * **Geobert/​Geo** 
 +  * Glenda/​Len-Len 
 +</​div><​div quarter column>​ 
 +  * **Jairuz Ken** 
 +  * Jan Carlo 
 +  * Janine/​J.E. 
 +  * Joan/Ann 
 +  * John Gabriel/​Gab 
 +  * John Karl/​Kaloy 
 +  * Jon Michael 
 +  * **Kacey Camille/​Kim** 
 +  * **Karla Mae** 
 +  * Kathleen Mae 
 +  * Mac Jed 
 +  * Margel Angelynne/​Ghel 
 +  * Maria Ariana/​Yang 
 +  * Maria Corazon/​Corrine 
 +  * Maria Roxanne/​Xanne 
 +  * Mariel 
 +  * **Marienne Khrystel** 
 +  * Mary Jane/M.J. 
 +</​div><​div quarter column>​ 
 +  * Mary Kris/​Kring 
 +  * Melvin 
 +  * Michael Daniel 
 +  * Murphy 
 +  * Nerisse Shaina/​Nisha 
 +  * Nikki Jay 
 +  * Patricia Yvanne/​Iicia 
 +  * Patrick Don 
 +  * Paul Angelo 
 +  * **Precious Reya** 
 +  * Renz John 
 +  * Rhodalyn/​Peng 
 +  * Rojohn 
 +  * **Rona Luisa** 
 +  * Sarah Jane 
 +  * Terrybel Joana/​Terri 
 +  * **Veronica Maria/​Nhicka** 
 +  * **Von Anthony** 
 +  * **Winchester** 
Last modified: 2017-03-16 @ 19:20:02 (07 PM) by