Furria 2i Archive


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typyl:index_original [2017/03/16 07:19]
fiakaiera Added Base 10
typyl:index_original [2017/03/16 19:43] (current)
Line 12: Line 12:
-====== Base Ten ======+===== Base Ten =====
 Dubbed the Base Ten , these characters was originally ones who represented 10 of the 12 chapters. Though all of them made it into the series, this order was changed. Dubbed the Base Ten , these characters was originally ones who represented 10 of the 12 chapters. Though all of them made it into the series, this order was changed.
 <div box center group 100%> <div box center group 100%>
-^Base Twelve ​(10)^+^Base Ten (10)^
 |//​Characters sorted in their original order//| |//​Characters sorted in their original order//|
 \\  \\ 
Last modified: 2017-03-16 @ 19:19:34 (07 PM) by