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typyl:home [2017/02/09 21:00]
fiakaiera created
typyl:home [2017/03/24 20:33] (current)
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 ====== Typyl ====== ====== Typyl ======
-**Typyl** are human-like anthropomorphic creatures that can be found in the world of Furria. If one creates or re-imagines a person'​s fursona or an anthro original character to Furria, they will have to be a Typyl no matter what cost, unless special circumstances apply. ​+[{{  typyl:​mug:​i_blank.png?​200| Default Typyl Mugshot}}] 
 +>**Main Article:** [[species:​typyl]] 
 +\\ The **Typyl** are human-like anthropomorphic creatures that can be found in the world of [[furria:Furria]]. If one creates or re-imagines a person'​s fursona or an anthro original character to Furria, they will have to be a Typyl no matter what cost, unless special circumstances apply. ​ 
 +<div tip>​**The Typyl are an open species for Furria. Because of this, you can make your own character.** To check out what makes up a character, check out the [[guide:​typyl|Typyl Guide]].</​div>​
 <nspages typyl <nspages typyl
--exclude:​home +-pregPagesTitleOff="/#​REDIRECT/"​ 
--title -actualTitle=2 -nbCol=4+-pregPagesOff="/​index/"​ 
 +-exclude ​-exclude:​home ​-exclude:​index 
 +-title -actualTitle=2 -nbCol=3
 -subns -pagesInNs -r -subns -pagesInNs -r
 -textNS="​List of all Typyl in the Wiki" -textNS="​List of all Typyl in the Wiki"
 > >
Last modified: 2017-02-10 @ 07:00:02 (07 AM) by