Furria 2i Archive


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typyl:harrison_nihil [2017/12/14 20:02]
fiakaiera created
typyl:harrison_nihil [2017/12/15 09:06] (current)
Line 36: Line 36:
 | str-res ​     = 3 | str-res ​     = 3
 | sor-def ​     = 2 | sor-def ​     = 2
-| spd-vit ​     = 54+| spd-vit ​     = 4
 }} }}
Line 46: Line 46:
   ​   ​
   * **Moral Alignment:​** Chaotic Neutral   * **Moral Alignment:​** Chaotic Neutral
-  * **Myers-Briggs Type:** Mediator ​`INFP-T`+  * **Myers-Briggs Type:** Mediator ​''​INFP-T''​
   * **Handedness:​** Right-handed   * **Handedness:​** Right-handed
   ​   ​
-  * **Eye Pigment:** Red +  * **Eye Pigment:** Red ''<​fc #​D23E30>​■</​fc>​ #​D23E30''​ 
-  * **Primary Pigment:​** ​Black +  * **Primary Pigment:​** ​Charcoal ''<​fc #​454545>​■</​fc>​ #​454545''​ 
-  * **Secondary Pigment:** Charcoal +  * **Secondary Pigment:​** ​Light Charcoal ​''<​fc #​8A8A8A>​■</​fc>​ #​8A8A8A''​ 
-  * **Tertiary Pigment:** Red+  * **Tertiary Pigment:** Red ''<​fc #​D23E30>​■</​fc>​ #​D23E30''​
   * **Average Height Scale:** x0.5   * **Average Height Scale:** x0.5
   ​   ​
Last modified: 2017-12-15 @ 09:02:40 (09 AM) by