Furria 2i Archive


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typyl:daggard [2017/08/16 01:03]
typyl:daggard [2017/08/21 16:07] (current)
Line 73: Line 73:
 ===== Inspirations ===== ===== Inspirations =====
-  * Old Cowboy films. +  * Old Cowboy films 
-  * Little House on the Prairie. +  * Little House on the Prairie 
-  * The ideal self-sufficient individual.+  * The ideal self-sufficient individual
-<span important>​Please insert all necessary tags.</​span>​ 
 {{tag>"​Typyl"​ {{tag>"​Typyl"​
-"​typyl:​Transferrance Typyl" 
 "​typyl:​Kang-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Kang-type Typyl"
 "​typyl:​Roo-type Typyl" "​typyl:​Roo-type Typyl"
Last modified: 2017-08-16 @ 13:03:08 (01 PM) by