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ties:triad [2017/09/27 23:35]
ties:triad [2017/09/30 03:08] (current)
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 ====== The Triad ====== ====== The Triad ======
-The **Triad** refers to the three planets that move in synchronization. It serves as the main location for Ties that Bind Us. +<div right 22em> 
 +<div box centeralign 100%> 
 +**Compendium Illustration of the ties**\\
-<fs medium>====== General Information ======</​fs>​+</div> 
 +==== General Information ====
 +The **Triad** refers to the three planets that move in synchronization. It serves as the main location for the events in **Ties that Bind Us**. 
-<fs medium>​====== ​Compendium ​Transcript ======</​fs>​+The illustration of the ties comes from the Compendium ​present in the universe itself. Since the compendium entry is modeled after ancient tablets, the information is not guaranteed to be 100% evaluated
-Entry: 3.0 
-Analysis: Complete 
-Section: Triad History and Origin+==== Compendium Transcript ====
 +Analysis: Ongoing
 +Section: Triad History and Origin
 [I] The 3 worlds acting [I] The 3 worlds acting
Last modified: 2017-09-28 @ 11:35:16 (11 AM) by