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sunnyverse:university_of_sinnoh_snowpoint [2017/10/12 23:23]
askprofpiplup [University of Sinnoh Snowpoint]
sunnyverse:university_of_sinnoh_snowpoint [2017/11/13 18:06] (current)
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 > **--- University of Sinnoh Snowpoint Motto** > **--- University of Sinnoh Snowpoint Motto**
 \\ \\
-**University of Sinnoh Snowpoint (USSP)** is the main setting for [[askprofpiplup|Ask Professor Piplup]] and is part of the University of Sinnoh system.+**University of Sinnoh Snowpoint (USSP)** is the main setting for [[Ask Professor Piplup]] and is part of the University of Sinnoh system.
   * **School Colors:** Navy Blue and Gold   * **School Colors:** Navy Blue and Gold
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 ===== Characters ===== ===== Characters =====
   * **[[Peter Pascal]]**   * **[[Peter Pascal]]**
   * **[[Pastoria Porter]]**   * **[[Pastoria Porter]]**
Last modified: 2017-10-13 @ 11:23:28 (11 AM) by