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sunnyverse:mocha_beauchene_original [2017/07/14 00:58]
fiakaiera added links
sunnyverse:mocha_beauchene_original [2017/08/09 23:03] (current)
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-====== Mocha Beauchêne/Orignal ​======+====== Mocha Beauchêne/Original ​======
 {{template>​infobox:​sunnyverse {{template>​infobox:​sunnyverse
-| image        = pokeprofs:mocha beauchene original.png+| image        = oprofs:mocha beauchene original.png
 | artby        = fiaKaiera | artby        = fiaKaiera
Line 22: Line 22:
 | ability ​     = Motor Drive | ability ​     = Motor Drive
 }} }}
-> //I opened the blog to spice up what’s happening in KM. Lauren agreed and I at least I get privileges too.//\\ **--- Mocha, ask-pokeprofs**+> //I opened the blog to spice up what’s happening in KM. Lauren agreed and I at least I get privileges too.//\\ **--- Mocha, ask-oprofs**
 \\ \\
 **Mocha Beauchêne** a.k.a. Kaiera (Japanese: **モッカ** //mokka//) is the web administrator and the first student introduced in [[ask-pokeprofs original|Ask PokéProfs]] as the disguised son of [[lauren beauchene original|Lauren Beauchêne]]. He is the Pokésona of the moderator and author of the actual blog, [[user:​fiaKaiera]]. **Mocha Beauchêne** a.k.a. Kaiera (Japanese: **モッカ** //mokka//) is the web administrator and the first student introduced in [[ask-pokeprofs original|Ask PokéProfs]] as the disguised son of [[lauren beauchene original|Lauren Beauchêne]]. He is the Pokésona of the moderator and author of the actual blog, [[user:​fiaKaiera]].
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 Unlike everyone else in the blog, his mouth color is normally red. This is used to distinguish mods from characters from the blog, than using a character'​s secondary or eye color. ​ Unlike everyone else in the blog, his mouth color is normally red. This is used to distinguish mods from characters from the blog, than using a character'​s secondary or eye color. ​
 ==== Outfits ==== ==== Outfits ====
 <div centeralign imgtop 100%> <div centeralign imgtop 100%>
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:mocha beauchene original.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:mocha beauchene original.png
 |caption = 2016 Initial}} |caption = 2016 Initial}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:mocha - summer 2016.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:mocha - summer 2016.png
 |caption = 2016 Summer}} |caption = 2016 Summer}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:mocha - outfitless.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:mocha - outfitless.png
 |caption = 2015 Casual}} |caption = 2015 Casual}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​mocha2015casual.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​mocha2015casual.png
 |caption = 2015 Type A}} |caption = 2015 Type A}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​mocha2015typea.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​mocha2015typea.png
 |caption = 2015 Type B}} |caption = 2015 Type B}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​mocha2015typeb.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​mocha2015typeb.png
 |caption = 2015 Type W}} |caption = 2015 Type W}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​mocha2015allsouls.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​mocha2015allsouls.png
 |caption = 2015 All Souls Day}} |caption = 2015 All Souls Day}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​mochaflyinghigh.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​mochaflyinghigh.png
 |caption = Flying High}} |caption = Flying High}}
 </​div>​ </​div>​
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 <div centeralign imgtop 100%> <div centeralign imgtop 100%>
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha.png
 |caption = 2015 Original}} |caption = 2015 Original}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-uniinitial.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-uniinitial.png
 |caption = Type A (Initial)}} |caption = Type A (Initial)}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-unitypeb.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-unitypeb.png
 |caption = Type B}} |caption = Type B}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-uniwinter.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-uniwinter.png
 |caption = Winter Uniform}} |caption = Winter Uniform}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-uniorchestra.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-uniorchestra.png
 |caption = Special Orchestra Uniform}} |caption = Special Orchestra Uniform}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-unibattle.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-unibattle.png
 |caption = Competitive Battle Uniform}} |caption = Competitive Battle Uniform}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-outfitless.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-outfitless.png
 |caption = Outfitless}} |caption = Outfitless}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​profs-mocha-casinitial.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​profs-mocha-casinitial.png
 |caption = Initial Casual}} |caption = Initial Casual}}
 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150 {{template>​template:​gallery item|size= 0x150
-|image ​  = sunnyverse:pokeprofs:​mochaoutfitless.png+|image ​  = sunnyverse:oprofs:​mochaoutfitless.png
 |caption = 2015 Outfitless}} |caption = 2015 Outfitless}}
 </​div>​ </​div>​
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 ===== Mini-sodes ===== ===== Mini-sodes =====
 ==== Intro: Pop-up ==== ==== Intro: Pop-up ====
-{{sunnyverse:​pokeprofs:​oicon_intro.png?​100&​nolink ​ }}+{{sunnyverse:​oprofs:​oicon_intro.png?​100&​nolink ​ }}
 Lauren sadly tells Mocha about him not being able to return to his world, due to having a number of circumstances. After having doubts of the situation, Lauren offers to give Mocha a home to live in along with some commodities that will help him along the way. Only in one condition: Mocha will have to stay as a student as long as his stay in the campus and with the name Lauren has given to her: Mocha Beauchêne. Mocha gladly accepts and the blog starts from that point onward. ​ Lauren sadly tells Mocha about him not being able to return to his world, due to having a number of circumstances. After having doubts of the situation, Lauren offers to give Mocha a home to live in along with some commodities that will help him along the way. Only in one condition: Mocha will have to stay as a student as long as his stay in the campus and with the name Lauren has given to her: Mocha Beauchêne. Mocha gladly accepts and the blog starts from that point onward. ​
 ==== Ms*1: Altérer ==== ==== Ms*1: Altérer ====
-{{sunnyverse:​pokeprofs:​icon_original_s1_1.png?​100&​nolink ​ }}+{{sunnyverse:​oprofs:​icon_original_s1_1.png?​100&​nolink ​ }}
 Lauren calls Mocha in order to thank him about the renovations he suggested and asks him about his life. Lauren then proceeds to thank Mocha about his findings on his world and then asks Mocha about if he is able to know French. Lauren calls Mocha in order to thank him about the renovations he suggested and asks him about his life. Lauren then proceeds to thank Mocha about his findings on his world and then asks Mocha about if he is able to know French.
Line 135: Line 136:
 ==== Ms*2: Alterné==== ==== Ms*2: Alterné====
-{{sunnyverse:​pokeprofs:​oicon_ms2.png?​100*nolink ​ }}+{{sunnyverse:​oprofs:​oicon_ms2.png?​100*nolink ​ }}
 Ciel raspberries and tells Mocha that "his hair is nice", then felt she has a déjà vu with him before. Mocha proceeds to call Ciel out for not remembering that she teased Mocha before in askpatientpachirisu. Ciel responds back insulting him again and Mocha takes the hair tease as a compliment. Ciel clarifies it as an insult with her thinking that Mocha is mistaking her with another Emolga. Ciel raspberries and tells Mocha that "his hair is nice", then felt she has a déjà vu with him before. Mocha proceeds to call Ciel out for not remembering that she teased Mocha before in askpatientpachirisu. Ciel responds back insulting him again and Mocha takes the hair tease as a compliment. Ciel clarifies it as an insult with her thinking that Mocha is mistaking her with another Emolga.
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 ===== Trivia ===== ===== Trivia =====
   * Mocha is the only one who is named after a drink in ask-pokeprofs.   * Mocha is the only one who is named after a drink in ask-pokeprofs.
-  * Mocha is the favorite flavor ​of the mod of the ask-pokeprofs.+  * Mocha is the favourite flavour ​of the mod of the ask-pokeprofs.
   * Mocha is the first Pokémon Ask Blog mod to appear in ask-pokeprofs,​ both in the Today'​s Weather series and in general.   * Mocha is the first Pokémon Ask Blog mod to appear in ask-pokeprofs,​ both in the Today'​s Weather series and in general.
   * He does not say swear words at all. He exchanges all of them mostly with the word "​Fluff"​.   * He does not say swear words at all. He exchanges all of them mostly with the word "​Fluff"​.
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 {{template>​footer:​pokeprofs original}} {{template>​footer:​pokeprofs original}}
-{{tag>"​Sunnyverse ​Character+{{tag>"​Sunnyverse ​Characters
-"​PokéProfs Original ​Character"}}+"​PokéProfs Original ​Characters"}}
Last modified: 2017-07-14 @ 12:58:16 (12 PM) by