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sunnyverse:medley_vonk [2017/10/09 06:37]
stormfullvals [Outfits]
sunnyverse:medley_vonk [2017/12/26 20:05] (current)
Line 69: Line 69:
 Medley is an active member of the Battle Club (starting from soon). He is also part of a small band with Otto, Corms and Kaoru. (soon) Medley is an active member of the Battle Club (starting from soon). He is also part of a small band with Otto, Corms and Kaoru. (soon)
 ====Outfits==== ====Outfits====
-{{:sunnyverse:harmonia:​outfitless.png?​200|Outfitless}} +{{template>​template:sunny outfit 
-{{:sunnyverse:harmonia:​casual_outfit.png?200|Casual Outfit}} +| name  = Outfitless 
-{{:sunnyverse:harmonia:​neater_hair.png?200|Neater Hair}} +| image = harmonia:​outfitless.png 
-{{:sunnyverse:harmonia:​v_sweater.png?200|V Sweater}}+}} 
 +{{template>​template:sunny outfit 
 +| name  = Casual 
 +| image = harmonia:​casual_outfit.png 
 +{{template>​template:sunny outfit 
 +| name  = Neater hair 
 +| image = harmonia:​neater_hair.png 
 +{{template>​template:sunny outfit 
 +| name  = V Sweater 
 +| image = harmonia:​v_sweater.png 
 ===== Ask Hints ===== ===== Ask Hints =====
   * [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​post/​160418638645|He stated that he was lonely back at home.]] Why?   * [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​post/​160418638645|He stated that he was lonely back at home.]] Why?
   * Questions about the girl he is in love with   * Questions about the girl he is in love with
   * Questions about Tempo and his friends   * Questions about Tempo and his friends
-===== Extra Tidbits ===== 
-  * Medley'​s favourite video game is Mario Kart. 
-  * Medley is an aspiring singer/​songwriter. He is often seen playing a guitar. 
-  * Medley and Tempo are identical twins. If Medley was a midday lycanroc he would look exactly like Tempo. 
 ===== Trivia ===== ===== Trivia =====
Last modified: 2017-10-09 @ 18:37:32 (06 PM) by