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sunnyverse:medley_vonk [2017/10/08 22:41]
stormfullvals [Appearance]
sunnyverse:medley_vonk [2017/12/26 20:05] (current)
Line 8: Line 8:
 | nicknames ​   = Meddles | nicknames ​   = Meddles
-| nature ​      ​= ​Hasty+| nature ​      ​= ​Naughty
 | chara        = Likes to thrash about | chara        = Likes to thrash about
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 > **--- Medley Vonk** > **--- Medley Vonk**
 \\  \\ 
-**Medley Vonk** is a freshman ​college student in [[Harmonia University]] in [[askcasteliaacademy|Ask Castelia Academy]]. He is the identical twin of [[Tempo Vonk]].+**Medley Vonk** is a sophomore ​college student in [[Harmonia University]] in [[askcasteliaacademy|Ask Castelia Academy]]. He is the identical twin of [[Tempo Vonk]] ​and is the star of the Harmonia side of the blog.
-Medley is rowdy and energetic, and has a compulsive personality. He often blurts out things that he is thinking, and most of the time has no shame in his words and actions. Although he seems a little malicious, Medley is surprisingly understanding,​ although this has taken some time for him to develop. He just got to Castelia City and has been getting accustomed very nicely.+  * **Major:** Computer Science / Mathematics
-  ​* **Major:** Music (Piano and Tenor Sax) +  * **Physical Sex:** Male ()
- +
-  ​* **Physical Sex:** Male ()+
   * **Age:** 19   * **Age:** 19
   * **Eye Color:** Glowing Red   * **Eye Color:** Glowing Red
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 ===== Character ===== ===== Character =====
-Medley is often rowdy and energetic, with a compulsive nature and there are many times he acts before he thinks. He has a tendency ​to act immature ​and is sometimes oblivious to his surroundings. He is quite loud and talkative. One of his favourite things to do is poke fun at other 'mon, especially his twin brother.+Medley is an international transfer student at Harmonia University. He has the natural ability to fit right in to new environments ​and has accustomed quite nicely during ​his time here. He is quite social ​and has many friends, however as a result he is not as studious as he could be.
-Even with these personality traits, Medley ​learned to become quite understanding ​and compassionateWhen he realizes something ​is wrong, he tries to reason it out himself in the end. He is easily able to make friends ​and does all he can for them+Personality-wise, Medley ​is energetic, rowdy and impetuousHe is not afraid ​to express his thoughts and opinions and has the tendency to get into arguments with those who are willing. He likes to tease his friends, especially his twin brother. Even with this, he is approachable and has learned to be more understanding of others'​ feelings and will respect their limits. Medley is also rather clumsy and scatterbrained,​ and it often gets him into trouble, or causes awkward moments ​for him. Good thing he doesn'​t get too phased by these
 +====First Appearance====
 +Medley appeared in a teaser [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​post/​151722605771/​sorry-for-the-absence-school-has-been-absolutely|silhouette photo]] along with Tempo and Gerolt in October 2016. He later made his [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​post/​153237211281/​medley-and-neville-are-available-for|first official appearance]] as the blog's participation in the PokeThanksgiving event in November, 2016. He had recently come to visit Tempo in Castelia City, and decided to attend the event during his stay. Here, he also met Neville, and the two attended the event together. ​
 +====Episode Appearances====
 +  * ** [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​tagged/​lycanplot/​chrono|Episode 2]]**: Medley was prominently featured in this episode. It focused on the mending of Medley'​s strained relationship with his twin. He was quite frustrated with Tempo avoiding him, and felt that his past behaviours were causing his attempts to reconcile with Tempo to be futile. Later, he learned that Tempo had an extremely negative outlook on himself and decided that his biggest mission during his stay in Castelia City would be to help Tempo and heal together. ​
 +  * ** [[Tempo Vonk]]**: Medley'​s identical twin. The two used to be inseparable,​ however during their high school years they fell apart. Now in university, Tempo and Medley are trying to become close again.\\
 +  * ** [[Neville Roig]]**: Medley'​s first friend in Castelia City. The two attended the Thanksgiving event together and became very good friends as a result.\\
 +  * ** [[Otto van Neren]]**: It is seen that Otto and Medley are good friends. Otto acts as a sort of mentor to Medley.\\
 +  * ** [[Braham Butler]]**: Since Braham is friends with Tempo, and they are in very similar majors, Medley is acquainted with Braham. However, the two do not seem to care for each other much.
 +====Clubs and Activities====
 +Medley is an active member of the Battle Club (starting from soon). He is also part of a small band with Otto, Corms and Kaoru. (soon)
 +{{template>​template:​sunny outfit
 +| name  = Outfitless
 +| image = harmonia:​outfitless.png
 +{{template>​template:​sunny outfit
 +| name  = Casual
 +| image = harmonia:​casual_outfit.png
 +{{template>​template:​sunny outfit
 +| name  = Neater hair
 +| image = harmonia:​neater_hair.png
 +{{template>​template:​sunny outfit
 +| name  = V Sweater
 +| image = harmonia:​v_sweater.png
 ===== Ask Hints ===== ===== Ask Hints =====
   * [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​post/​160418638645|He stated that he was lonely back at home.]] Why?   * [[http://​askcasteliaacademy.tumblr.com/​post/​160418638645|He stated that he was lonely back at home.]] Why?
   * Questions about the girl he is in love with   * Questions about the girl he is in love with
   * Questions about Tempo and his friends   * Questions about Tempo and his friends
-===== Extra Tidbits ===== 
-  * Medley'​s favourite video game is Mario Kart. 
-  * Medley is an aspiring singer/​songwriter. He is often seen playing a guitar. 
-  * Medley and Tempo are identical twins. If Medley was a midday lycanroc he would look exactly like Tempo. 
 ===== Trivia ===== ===== Trivia =====
Last modified: 2017-10-09 @ 10:41:52 (10 AM) by