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sunnyverse:marcin_komatska [2018/01/01 20:39]
stormfullvals [Relationships]
sunnyverse:marcin_komatska [2018/01/02 10:07] (current)
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   * **Physical Sex:** Male (♂)   * **Physical Sex:** Male (♂)
   * **Age:** 34   * **Age:** 34
-  * **Eye Color:​** ​Pink+  * **Eye Color:​** ​Magenta 
 +  * **Mouth Color:** Magenta (Eye colour)
   * **Nationality:​** Polish-American   * **Nationality:​** Polish-American
   * **Blog Theme:** N/A   * **Blog Theme:** N/A
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 As a teacher, Marcin'​s shyness also shows but he usually manages to gain confidence as the semester goes on. He is friendly and chill with his students, and likes to give them as much extra credit as possible, knowing that he teaches difficult classes. The students like how easy he is to have a casual conversation with, and also how relatable he is. As a teacher, Marcin'​s shyness also shows but he usually manages to gain confidence as the semester goes on. He is friendly and chill with his students, and likes to give them as much extra credit as possible, knowing that he teaches difficult classes. The students like how easy he is to have a casual conversation with, and also how relatable he is.
-Marcin'​s expertise is in graph theory.+Marcin'​s expertise is in graph theory ​and cryptography.
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   ​   ​
 ===== Trivia ===== ===== Trivia =====
-  * This is interesting,​ isn't it? +  * Marcin was created on a whim and was not supposed to become an askable character for the blog.  
-  ​* Wow.+{{template>​template:​sunny outfit 
 +| name  = First art of Marcin 
 +| image = harmonia:​marcin.png 
   ​   ​
 {{template>​footer:​castelia}} {{template>​footer:​castelia}}
Last modified: 2018-01-02 @ 09:39:30 (09 AM) by