Sunnyverse Wiki


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sunnyverse:home [2017/07/29 14:40]
fiakaiera added castelia footer
sunnyverse:home [2017/10/10 14:10] (current)
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 <div right 22em> <div right 22em>
 <div box centeralign 100%> <div box centeralign 100%>
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 <fs 1.5em>​http://​discord.io/​kaicafe</​fs>​ <fs 1.5em>​http://​discord.io/​kaicafe</​fs>​
 </​div>​ </​div>​
-**Visit ​out in our Kaiera'​s community discord!**\\+**Visit in Kaiera'​s community discord!**\\
 (Just don't forget to say hi in #entrance) (Just don't forget to say hi in #entrance)
 </​div>​ </​div>​
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 <fs 1.3em>​Welcome to the official **Sunnyverse** wiki!</​fs>​ <fs 1.3em>​Welcome to the official **Sunnyverse** wiki!</​fs>​
-&​emsp;​[[sunnyverse|Sunnyverse]] is a collection of Tumblr Pokémon Ask Blogs that have their setting and characters constantly ​definied ​specifically in a world where humans are replaced with standing and walking anthropomorphic versions of Pokémon. +&​emsp;​[[sunnyverse|Sunnyverse]] is a collection of Tumblr Pokémon Ask Blogs that have their setting and characters constantly ​defined ​specifically in a world where humans are replaced with standing and walking anthropomorphic versions of Pokémon.
- +
-//The Sunnyverse wiki is a sub-wiki of the [[:​home|Furria Wiki]]. We treat Sunnyverse and Furria separately, so treat the rest of the wiki with respect!//+
 <div notice>​**Please note:** Not all character entries will cover everything that ever happened to the character; they'​ll only contain quick, basic summaries.</​div>​ <div notice>​**Please note:** Not all character entries will cover everything that ever happened to the character; they'​ll only contain quick, basic summaries.</​div>​
 {{template>​footer:​castelia}} {{template>​footer:​castelia}}
-{{template>​footer:​pokeprofs ​original}}+{{template>​footer:​pokeprofs}} 
Last modified: 2017-07-30 @ 02:40:44 (02 AM) by