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sunnyverse:claire_lindholm [2017/10/07 21:48]
fiakaiera completed profile
sunnyverse:claire_lindholm [2017/10/16 12:38] (current)
Line 33: Line 33:
   * **Teaching:​** Science   * **Teaching:​** Science
   * **Club Affinity:** Botany Club, Charity Drive   * **Club Affinity:** Botany Club, Charity Drive
-  * **Signature Color** ''<​fc #​B4475C>​◆</​fc>​ #​B4475C''​+  * **Signature Color:** ''<​fc #​B4475C>​◆</​fc>​ #​B4475C''​
   ​   ​
   * **Physical Sex:** Female (♂)   * **Physical Sex:** Female (♂)
Last modified: 2017-10-08 @ 09:48:54 (09 AM) by