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sunnyverse:aisa_asbat [2017/09/09 16:41]
fiakaiera [Appearances] added entries
sunnyverse:aisa_asbat [2017/11/21 01:11] (current)
Line 32: Line 32:
   * **Specialty:​** Digital Arts   * **Specialty:​** Digital Arts
   * **Club Membership:​** Blog Program, Orchestra   * **Club Membership:​** Blog Program, Orchestra
-  * **Signature Color** ''<​fc #​58A5DB>​◆</​fc>​ #​58A5DB''​+  * **Signature Color:** ''<​fc #​58A5DB>​◆</​fc>​ #​58A5DB''​
   ​   ​
   * **Physical Sex:** Female (♀)   * **Physical Sex:** Female (♀)
Line 76: Line 76:
 ===== Appearances ===== ===== Appearances =====
-> **Last Updated:​** ​ --- //​[[user:​fiakaiera]] 2017/09/09 16:39//+> **Last Updated:** --- //​[[user:​fiakaiera]] 2017/11/20 12:10//
 === Asks === === Asks ===
Line 82: Line 82:
   * #3 -- [[http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​162716153808|I always wondered what that thing in your mouth is. Does it taste good?]]   * #3 -- [[http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​162716153808|I always wondered what that thing in your mouth is. Does it taste good?]]
   * #5 -- [[http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​163416037400|So Aisa do you always have a leaf in your mouth?]]   * #5 -- [[http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​163416037400|So Aisa do you always have a leaf in your mouth?]]
 +  * #10 -- [[http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​165266108046|A ghost haunting the school?]]
 </​div>​ </​div>​
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 | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​7248f6c82139f7fb5035a89d65ef4f0b/​tumblr_osmvc18Rww1urik3jo1_100.png | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​7248f6c82139f7fb5035a89d65ef4f0b/​tumblr_osmvc18Rww1urik3jo1_100.png
 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​162639515789 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​162639515789
-| datenum = JUL 05 2017 - #11+| datenum = JUL 05 2017 - #10
 }} }}
Line 95: Line 96:
 | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​3822fc3b63fe3e3f624f4b9319cc1cba/​tumblr_osz9yymnpK1urik3jo1_100.png | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​3822fc3b63fe3e3f624f4b9319cc1cba/​tumblr_osz9yymnpK1urik3jo1_100.png
 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​162898963634 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​162898963634
-| datenum = JUL 12 2017 - #17+| datenum = JUL 12 2017 - #16
 }} }}
Line 101: Line 102:
 | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​a7da6bd62ed9d926f3ba66bc0c39b7e6/​tumblr_oth17lEFPM1urik3jo1_100.png | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​a7da6bd62ed9d926f3ba66bc0c39b7e6/​tumblr_oth17lEFPM1urik3jo1_100.png
 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​163273774139 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​163273774139
-| datenum = JUL 21 2017 - #24+| datenum = JUL 21 2017 - #23
 }} }}
Line 107: Line 108:
 | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​fd4c165e8b37893998b4a6cb99766f64/​tumblr_oujxtkru2i1urik3jo1_100.png | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​fd4c165e8b37893998b4a6cb99766f64/​tumblr_oujxtkru2i1urik3jo1_100.png
 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​164083296624 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​164083296624
-| datenum = AUG 11 2017 - #39+| datenum = AUG 11 2017 - #38
 }} }}
Line 113: Line 114:
 | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​fcdc865ed8c62cc91f48094c3f2853c6/​tumblr_ovf8x9MZPr1urik3jo1_100.png | image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​fcdc865ed8c62cc91f48094c3f2853c6/​tumblr_ovf8x9MZPr1urik3jo1_100.png
 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​164731194824 | link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​164731194824
-| datenum = AUG 28 2017 - #52+| datenum = AUG 28 2017 - #51 
 +{{template>​template:​sunny twbox 
 +| image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​afd3d519957dac27d5bed214eed07226/​tumblr_owws7yCFQn1urik3jo1_100.png 
 +| link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​165774797039 
 +| datenum = SEP 26 2017 - #70 
 +{{template>​template:​sunny twbox 
 +| image = http://​68.media.tumblr.com/​8bbb41ee90e7bf73bd1d1caa1ca7b482/​tumblr_ox4bhjfyaB1urik3jo1_100.png 
 +| link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​165914938839 
 +| datenum = SEP 30 2017 - #74 
 +{{template>​template:​sunny twbox 
 +| image = http://​78.media.tumblr.com/​e63ca9fbf4aa0f3ab7f5834f19842bc8/​tumblr_oz2j90teDp1urik3jo1_100.png 
 +| link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​167245786164 
 +| datenum = NOV 07 2017 - #99 
 +{{template>​template:​sunny twbox 
 +| image = http://​78.media.tumblr.com/​1ea5c225f6bf145dd103e8de025dbbbd/​tumblr_ozc7vrWVvc1urik3jo1_100.png 
 +| link = http://​ask-pokeprofs.furria.net/​post/​167436348854 
 +| datenum = NOV 12 2017 - #100
 }} }}
 </​div>​ </​div>​
Last modified: 2017-09-10 @ 04:41:58 (04 AM) by