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status:shatter_break [2017/12/16 13:21]
mnchino created
status:shatter_break [2017/12/19 11:21] (current)
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 ====== Shatter Break ====== ====== Shatter Break ======
-A **Shatter Charge** //(Not to be confused with [[status:​Shatter Charge|Shatter Charge]])// is a special type of attack. Each [[species:​Typyl|Typyl]] can only learn one. It is used as a last resort, and it's guaranteed to give {{status:​Clearstate}}, as it extremely powerful. ​ In fact, it's so powerful that it may be too much for its user to handle. ​ Using it most certainly will lead to severe injuries or even death.+A **Shatter Charge** //(Not to be confused with [[status:​Shatter Charge|Shatter Charge]])// is a special type of attack. Each [[species:​Typyl|Typyl]] can only learn one. It is used as a last resort, and it's guaranteed to give [[status:​Clearstate]], as it extremely powerful. ​ In fact, it's so powerful that it may be too much for its user to handle. ​ Using it most certainly will lead to severe injuries or even death. 
 +This status can still be interrupted and canceled by [[status:​Wipe|Wipe]]. 
 +===== Skills ===== 
 +//(This status is not currently associated with any skills)//
 {{template>​template:​stub}} {{template>​template:​stub}}
 {{tag>​page:​stub}} {{tag>​page:​stub}}
Last modified: 2017-12-17 @ 02:21:44 (02 AM) by