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status:resist [2017/12/19 00:09]
mnchino combined all Resists into one section
status:resist [2017/12/19 13:09] (current)
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 There are several types of Resist: There are several types of Resist:
-====Passive Resist====+===Passive Resist===
 Resists [[status:​Poison]],​ [[status:​Burn]] and [[status:​Vile]]. Resists [[status:​Poison]],​ [[status:​Burn]] and [[status:​Vile]].
-====Disable Resist====+===Disable Resist===
 Resists [[status:​Disease]],​ [[status:​De-movtivation]],​ [[status:​Bind]],​[[status:​Vulnerable]] and [[status:​Seal]]. Resists [[status:​Disease]],​ [[status:​De-movtivation]],​ [[status:​Bind]],​[[status:​Vulnerable]] and [[status:​Seal]].
-====Stale Resist====+===Stale Resist===
 Resists [[status:​Paralysis]],​ [[status:​Petrify]] and [[status:​Frozen]]. Resists [[status:​Paralysis]],​ [[status:​Petrify]] and [[status:​Frozen]].
Last modified: 2017-12-19 @ 13:09:00 (01 PM) by